He's one note. He has no ability to be nuanced or change his tone. At least Alex Jones can have fun once in a while

He's one note. He has no ability to be nuanced or change his tone. At least Alex Jones can have fun once in a while.

Attached: EUyzJgrXYAIAJA6.jpg (679x339, 46.58K)

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It's anxiety from being in the closet so long.

He's almost a case of Uncanny Valley. Something about his face just bothers me.

his face is always so close. it's like he's about to kiss you the whole video.

Wears lipstick

imajun moi shock when I realize traps are gay

I thought this dork hid away in embarrassment after trying to sell a t-shirt with his face on it that says he's the new counter culture

That's part of it - good point. Triggers my "space is being violated" reflex.

he just regurgitates everything from here, minus the the jew jabs for ad revenue, just like jesse watters, and all the normies eat it up, oh well at least they're getting part of the message

I thought PJW was a big time pedophile

Attached: 1586996876183m.jpg (1024x1024, 91.3K)

I hate conservatards even more than liberals and leftists now because of dickheads like this yung boomer

you make really great point. that's why smart people listen to the young turks and no virus not man made in China. We must vote Joe Biden to make America of United States more good again. Joe be very tuff on China unlike communist sympathizer drump.

"getting part of the message" without saying who's causing the issue is like ordering a burger and just getting the lettuce.

>still watching anything from PJW
Wew, lad.

Attached: 1585691375793.jpg (680x830, 70.62K)

>I hate conservatards
good said. conservatives very bad racist people who no respect media - the only ones trying to look out for us common men. Please vote Joe Biden - he make America moar respected then ever!

If by vote you mean happily drop kick into an oven, I will do so with the most glee one can have, thank you

He's a gatekeeper

That's fine, we need serious people on the right. The world is fucked up, it's not a joke.

One of the most annoying faggots I've ever heard. He should stick to a blog.

he has been doing the *exact* same shit for fucking 5 years straight... it was all dead fucking 3-4 years ago after the campus nonsense died down

talk about just grifting and not being able to adapt.... jesus fucking christ

He drops redpills for the normies. It's a good thing. Like PewDiePie, it's a retard, but at least he gives homeopathic doses of redpills here and there

>he just regurgitates everything from here
it would explain why he is still stuck in that old loop

as this site got so infected after the election and there is never ever any actual digging here anymore... it's just overused stale old memes and a big bunch of absolute nothing..

this is the guy who made you all angry about milk because you lack basic chemistry knowledge lmao

PJW and Jones are cousins:


This , and that's a good thing ™

he has one of the most punchable faces I've seen. Also his annoying voice and retarded British sense of """humor"""

He's fine. At least he does something. This place is just a collection of whiny faggots.

Who are you trying to convince. Yourself or us?

He’s not bad. His voice acting is cringe and I don’t like when he keeps saying the same thing over and over. But good baby redpill

He's Sargon of Akkad, but smart enough to only talk for 5 minutes at a time. We can't see just how shallow and totally unoriginal he is that way, unlike Sargon that burned up once he was not completely controlling the conditions by which he made a point.

he sucks dix doesn't he ?

Stick your d&c up your ass, kike.
When was the last time you made a thread about Anderson Cooper?
Go fuck yourself, nigger.