You guys might be right again

at this point Yas Forums give i might even come to Yas Forums for any international new.
btw fuck WHO, this time I agree with trump

Attached: wuflu01.jpg (1001x1364, 1.2M)

Other urls found in this thread:

ffr we are always right

Yas Forums is the civilian version CIA headquarters.

Attached: flat,800x800,075,f.u3.jpg (450x800, 75.18K)

Yeah, but it seems like anon2 is saying it was engineered by us and intended to affect the Chinese only. So did it backfire? Did Trump give the go-ahead or was it released by rogue elements bent on bringing him down?

why your monkey range of islands isnt range banned is beyond me.

bump, this is too good of an image.

Just wondering which ethnicities it was and was not meant for.

As always. It’s so tiresome to see events unfold exactly as you knew months they would... and just thanks to internet access and the willing to know.

To see governments, media, and people react as if everything was new and discovered today... in surprise... I realized people are, the 99% of the times, pure automatic biological robots incapable of critical thinking.

It’s been shocking, despite my already low consideration of human kind, I had to lower it even more... way more.

And this fools rule my life, and we’re trapped in their stupidity and mistakes , despite all warnings you sent..

>chink only virus designed and released from chink lab

wait hol up, you are not making any sense

Germans do pretty well with this virus. Its harmless to them.

>buh super sekrit bioweapon
Stop eating bats you fucking chinks.

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Awful lot of coincidences...

Attached: coincidental.jpg (598x550, 122.43K)

Anyway is always gonna be worse in cultures that socialize a lot like mediterraneans.

It claims they failed to target the ethnicities they wanted to.

I remember some meme flag or question mark user saying it was meant for asians, middle easterners and niggers.

nothing burger extra void sauce
2 number 45s
and a diet cola

Anon2 makes it seem as if we engineered it, released it by the lab for the purpose of fucking up the Chinese economy, and ended up starting a fire in our own house.

2008. Actual paper on the specific mutations that COVID19 exhibits compared to SARS/MERS:

he was saying exactly the opposite.

Maybe they tried to save germanic/anglo people specially and they at least succeded on that? Germany tolls are extremely odd.

Mr 4 chan graduated from Occupy Wall St and now flips countries for a living. Tell your mother.

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I wouldn't put it above some enterprising lab chinks who scavved a few dead bats from the biohazard bin and sold them to butchers at the nearby wet meat market.

Niggers and jews are dropping harder than any other ethnicity, but that could just be because niggers are dumb and uncleanly, and jews lie constantly about how bad things are for them because they're obsessed with sympathy points and being able to kvetch.

Who knows. Looks like they fucked up either way. Practically ended civilization and now our governments will say they want so many more migrants to make up for our "losses".

USA Niggers are poor in general, you have to pay for healthcare there... I think t he connection is clear enough.

have you considered that this place is where they deploy new propaganda? we are likely a focus group, not the tip of the spear. maybe i'm putting too much faith in the competence of the spooks

Not even ‘refugees’ want come to EU now.

So china releases a virus that gets all over the west. The west use the virus to take away our rights. This is fine if things go back to normal when its all over. If not then what would china have to gain from helping western governments control its citizens? Lets wait and see how this thing plays out before we go blaming it all on china and letting our governments off the hook.

They're still arriving dude. The flood onto turned into a leak because the EU setup a morsel of authority across the nafri coastline. They'll open it back up the first chance they get.

lol isis has suspended all operations

You’re right. I don’t know why I assumed Erenhot was in the US

That’s a big misconception. If you’re poor you get free healthcare.


chinks are just going to continue calling literally everything CIA anyways

Trusting shitposters to help you with information, how many standar deviations are you below Kenyans?

Front page of Fox is reporting that it came from a Wuhan lab RIGHT NOW.

Probably Middle Eastern and African populations first since it was isolated from MERS and then bioengineerd to target Asians for testing purposes (which is why the healthy Chinese whistleblower doctor died from it), then move onto European populations but it got out before then, though it can still kill off elderly and patients with co-morbidities.

Normies are so fucking slow, I guess the Kung Flu AIDS stuff will be a thing in 2 months too.

It was not. It was created by China as you can see by now. Now they will pay for it, world only blames them

We have been telling you cunts China built this virus in its lab and in Wuhan and it leaked....Now all of a sudden there is a lot of talk about it..Something is up fuck u

>i might even come to Yas Forums for any international new.
You weren't doing this before?

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spooks are using our research.
it would be stupid not to. The collective together remembers a lot of news we find for ourselves and dont post, then remember a few months later.

chicoms stole a designer virus
came it from a western lab, very likely base virus would be anti chicom
ccp started messing around with it
probably working on different versions
lost control
first the virus does this, then it does that
only doa asians. only doa boomers
now different groups depending on location
its not the same virus
some body is releasing different versions

I guess it's good to know that migrants can all be wiped out with enough organization. But I doubt anyone has the balls to do it.