What's the deal with white supermacists and neo-nazis...

What's the deal with white supermacists and neo-nazis? Most of them fall into this ideology because they're angry about their low social status in society and are looking for someone to blame instead of taking responsibility and trying to better themselves.

Look at this man. Does he honestly think he'd be any better off if America threw out all the Jews, black, hispanics, Asians, and immigrants? He'd still occupy an extremely low rung on the social ladder, he'd still work a terrible job, and he still wouldn't get any respect. Losers stay losers.

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Yas Forumscels are just ugly subhumans in denial

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Yeah you could never become successful and graduate Harvard if you were a white supremacist.
Fuck off schlomo.

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Obviously some of them would be successful, I never said all of them would stay failures. The majority of them that are bottom-rung of society losers would not suddenly see an elevated social class.

Jared Taylor doesn't have a Harvard degree (he has a Yale degree) and I am surprised you're appealing to authority by naming Harvard like that. Yas Forums is generally very skeptical of higher education, believing it's worthless, liberal, and too Jewish.

Jared Taylor doesn't even have a problem with Jews and has even invited some to speak at his events.

What a bunch of failures.

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>Does he honestly think he'd be any better off if America threw out all the Jews, black, hispanics, Asians, and immigrants?
He would be solely by the virture of there being no more kikes, niggers, beaners, chinks, and other immigrants. Most of these poor souls are provoked by feds to do abhorrent shit like shoot up churches or bomb people. Our federal government is full of unironic terrorists that don't care if people die if it suits their agenda.

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I agree.

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Still better than being a jew

The life of the working class improved significantly after Hitler took over.

>Most of them fall into this ideology because they're angry about their low social status in society

So people aren't allowed to have rights if they're unlucky in life? Sounds very un-American

Someone turned natsoc

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If you have a decent job, a wife and a family, you are generally too busy and content/exhausted to care about anything like that.

If the guy was good looking, he would be banging some slut in the frathouse and not have the time or inclination to care about much else.

>What's the deal with white supermacists and neo-nazis? Most of them fall into this ideology because they're Jew aware.

>Being scared of Jews

Mugshots are meant to make someone look ugly OP, are you new here?

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reminder this is why jannies delete /sig/ threads

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Yeah, wow it's almost like people with less invested into the system or actively disadvantaged by it are more likely to be critical of it or rebel. Amazing insight there genius.

Same reason niggers latch onto anti-white bullshit - it gives them an "other", an enemy they can fight and blame all their woes on, in order to evade blame for their own personal shortcomings.

That being said, there IS a not-so-secretive cabal of globalistic manipulators who are trying very, very hard to eradicate social and racial harmony, in an effort to create a permanent slave class that's more than willing to oppress themselves. They happen to be majority jewish, although some are elitist anglos and somecChinese mixed in there, too.

That being said, there IS a solution to most of the world's problems - but it's one you will be hard pressed to find, because nobody will be given a free pass. That is a sturdy meritocratic filter for citizenship - one that requires every citizen pass a series of tests and show their loyalty to their nation, rather than being given citizenship simply for being born. Essentially, even if you "make it", your children will still need to make it as well. This was somewhat in place when the draft was still active, but has obviously since eroded the social unity of each country it's removed from. Why do you think it's mandatory for Israel?

You don't need to exclusively count on military service, of course. You can include other forms of service for generally harsh jobs that ultimately service the community - hospital work, rehabilitation work, animal welfare, etc are all things that should be considered mandatory service. Each citizen should be required to serve 4 years in these fields before acquiring citizenship- you'd just have to pick one and stick with it (or at least stick with it for a year minimum, before switching to another).

Basically, instead of spending 4 years getting a pointless degree, the typical path to citizenship (and success) should be to prove you give a shit about your country.

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the answer is yes to the last 3 sentences of your question

>Most of them fall into this ideology because they're angry about their low social status in society and are looking for someone to blame instead of taking responsibility and trying to better themselves.

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I'm going to tell you a shocking secret OP, are you ready?

Because you don't hear about the successful white supremacists who have families and become successful. Because to out yourself will ruin you. There are more neo-nazis and white supremacists out there than you would think, they just don't all go around making a spectacle of themselves.

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You’ve put the cart before the horse.

It’s not the lower class that’s the problem. It’s the aristocracy/upper class that has broken the social covenant. The fact you call these people “losers” says much about the twisted mentality and ideology behind such beliefs that label the lower strata of society as expendable trash.

He throws out the foreigner and in return he gets harmony at home and abroad. I don’t understand how you can look at high trust, low crime societies in Asia and not desire that. Even arch-liberal like Robert Putnam are out there explaining that diversity isn’t our strength and maybe they fucked up royally with their social engineering schemes.

But then again, what else to expect from someone who can’t figure out how the socialists happily sold out their fellow working class man for a new bloc of brown supporters that would implement their agenda, and that greedy plutocrats want to extract as much wealth as possible with no regards to the costs. Two sides of the same coin.

Read what has happened to the British working class in Manchester and elsewhere. Abandoned by the central government, the choice was simple: compete at the individual level in a nigh-impossible climbing of the social ladder or pool their resources and become ethnic themselves and win against other groups.

That “loser” alone can’t do much, but 10 of them? 100? 1000? Man, now they’ve got power.

Alot of those guys could be alpha if they were raised differently. Yas Forums ignores upbringing quite often.

Yes, but he wouldn't mind being a loser among other whites. He could accept that might be his place in life...at the bottom. But, he is angry because he is at the bottom and others who are ahead have had more obstacles to overcome. He started out in life with more advantage over them and yet still somehow ended below. This is why he's angry. He has to come to terms that he chose his destiny at the bottom. He worked hard to be at the bottom.

there's two groups, us and the feds.

retards can't seem to tell them apart and go full on larps which almost always end badly. you aren't going to change the system dressing up like antifa and mimicking their actions. that's what niggers do. don't be a nigger. we don't need hillbillies waving swastika flags, we need doctors, lawyers, teachers, politicians to agree with our general philosophy of state and committment to race as a foundation, not even as a supremacy doctrine like the ADL claims, but just enough so we aren't importing 3rd worlders so we can increase the GDP by 0.5% a year.

we need the average white man and woman to believe they are important enough to prosper. The conversation is already turning in our favor, these fucking retarded larpers are not helping.


Honestly, I’ll take Big Gazza and Baz any day of the week over the neuroticisms of the middle and upper class. My father would say there is a “wonderful backwardness” And that’s the source of their strength. Isambard Brunel may have designed those wonderful bridges of his, but they were built by simple, honest men that deserve more respect than we have given them.

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The smell

All group forming is for social stability. Socializing is for the inferior.

>why do people become neo-nazis
This is why:

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anytime someone gets arrested
>Listen goy, don't be a loser white supremacist. Be a good goy instead!
really jargled my marbles shlomo


Not detecting a single argument

> stupid nazi retard simps are ugly fatasses
> being a nazi is just retarded and you should be a tourist who spends years in the sideways vaginas of prostitojos instead

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With the higher demand for unskilled labor after throwing them out, maybe he'd earn more per hour?