How come you aren't allowed to build and live in a small cabin in North America?

>muh permit
>muh minimum square footage
>muh neighborhood property value
>muh mandatory engineer plans
How did things get so fucked up? 50 years ago you drew up a sketch and sent it to the local government office, they rubber stamped it and you built the fucker. These days you're out $100k in bureaucratic bullshit before you dig a single spade into the ground

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Money. Everyone wants a piece of the pie.

(((They))) want you to be a debt slave for 30 years

Just get a large plot of land, fence the entire area, and build it anyway. Shoot any trespassers.

It's simply not worth developing a property from the ground up anymore with all the hoops to jump through and how much you end up paying.
If you have the money and a few years to do so that's cool, but it's probably easiest to buy a fixer upper in the middle of nowhere.

You can do what you want, you just need to either hide well enough or have enough firepower

Because jews, probably

Neither are accessible

Buy a VAN or pickup+ canopy

Fuck those niggers red tape and taxes

My friend's dad built himself a house in the early 2000s off some land he bought. If you build a boring 1 story house it shouldn't cost you much

This, it's all ultimately about control. It's about herding and domesticating the goyim, and through generations of dysgenics and negative conditioning, making it physically and mentally impossible for the goyim to resist.

uh. you can. and people do. all the time.

People with 300k cash

You can , just own a fucking land .

Got my house and a huge land or 186000$ ... stop wasting money on ideo games and man the f up

It's a bit easier in America. Here in Cucknada you're out literally $25k just for the fucking permit. And that's not including all the engineer shit you had to pay for to get the permit. It's fucked. On the other hand, you americucks are enslaved to a corporation until you're 65 to get healthcare.

Nah, they fucked up van living too. You need a permanent address to insure a van and have a driver's license. Which means you're paying rent, a mortgage, or property taxes. Only real "freedom" these days is buying a trailer and living on public land

>Just be rich dude
Great advice as always

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What is 30 yes in 85yrs !? ... I'm 33 and I only have 12 yrs left to pay ... toy made bad choices in life ... enjoy ur place .

Where the fuck do you find a 186k house in Canada.. maybe 15 years ago

Im not rich .. I just work and have a wife ... it cost me 1200$ a month... you don't need to be rich

>Just be lucky
Amazing advice dude

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Jews and their progressive freemason shabbos.

Money and power are in the hands of the slave handlers, not us.

Im in Quebec , 1 hour north of Montreal ... I got 10 acres and a river... it's easy dude

Isn’t it obvious by now? Check out realestate prices for empty land. The prices are absurd.

Our economy is completely fake, and that includes real-estate pricing.

We live in a Soviet-style economy under the illusion of a free market. Everything is carefully prepared to trick the gullible into believing that we live in a free market. But the realestate pricing gives it away.

Who determines the value of resources, and the pricing of labour and services? Organized crime decides these things and then enforces their will through their control over almost every person serving in political office.

Cuban politician Marco Rubio is related to Cuban druglord Kingpin Mario Trabaeu through marriage. That relationship does not exist in a vaccuum, and does not exist without reason.

Who (((unites))) all these criminals?

>you don't need to be rich
Nope. You just have to sign up to be a wage slave.

If they get in my way I'm just going to dare them to come after me. Pretty sure no one cares to die over a piece of land outside city limits.

slavery. you are just a slave to the bankers.

Yeah Quebec's alright with real estate. Everywhere else is totally fucked though, especially Ontario. I hear it's coming to Quebec too. My french is pretty bad

Imagine not
Being able to work 3 days of 12hiurs a week , to be able to buy stuff you need and raise children ... look no further, that's why you fail , you are weak and can't work hard .. go back to video games !!!

Gonna buy 2 acres and build a cabin on it to rent out airbnb

Move to a southern US state friend, permitting is minimal or non-existent in many counties, just stay outside the city limits.

Spoken like a millennial with no life experience.

The ellipses give you away boomer. Not one person under the age of 50 uses them like that.

Are you kidding? The people that show up won't be politicians or desk clerks, they will be the mindless peons that do exactly what they are told. If they are told to die to tear down your shack they will do it without question.

My brother lives in Ontario and yes , its not the same price . I agree

Im 33 and have 3 sons ! Go coom for the 3rd time today

Jews want you to buy things with the money you haven't made.

Pretty sure there are no regulations on buildings under 150 square feet or something in the US at least. Just build 2-3 structures nearby and you'll have plenty of room. Not to mention, loftspace isn't usually included in square footage, so build taller than you'd expect and you'll have room for storage or even room to put a bed up there.

Im 33 ...

Imagine the shady shit that would get built, old skids with tarps barrels and old tires..

You're pretty impressed with yourself, kiddo. Good for your accomplishments. Don't let it get to your head. The world is ready to fuck you hard the second you think you're too good to be touched. Don't think I'm lying.

Depends on what state / area you live in. Here in Kentucky, built my cabin from trees on my property that I cut down myself. Only cost me ~$1700 for nails, concrete, plumbing &wiring. Got my roofing tin panels, Windows & doors from my parents that they had in storage after remodeling their home a few years back. Got solar panels and 3 high density lithium batteries I picked up for $1200 that provide enough juice for my fridge, laptop, radio & small a.c. unit I use to keep cool in The summer. Use my wood stove to keep warm & cook on in the winter. Use a hot plate & toaster oven to cook the rest of the year. Got 2 ponds up the hill from me that provide dependable water year round via gravity fed lines, a deep well and creek on the property I use if the ponds get low during dry periods.

TL;DR - it's possible to live a free, comfortable life in da woods if you're willing to do without some luxuries.. Having to trudge several yards down the hill in cold winter to shit in the outhouse kinda sucks sometimes, but having freedom is well worth it.

Wtf you talking about? The sketch i submitted on my permit application took me maybe 20 seconds to draw. I drew a box with a triangle on top. Done. Had my permit in 2 weeks.

>Having to trudge several yards down the hill in cold winter to shit in the outhouse kinda sucks sometimes, but having freedom is well worth it.
Use a composting toilet or shit in buckets and compost them yourself for a year, vented. Excellent fertilizer.

Its called pride , you should try it . I'm out , you guys are fags . I don't want to contract this disease.

Counties and cities will have their own codes. My old house in the city had a 120sq ft non permitted max while my new place out of town is 400sq ft.

Right I forgot I spent 186k on video games

So? Why does society need to coddle everyone?

Can't be in debt if you don't go into debt.