Stop child trafficking!
This is Nancy DeLaPena
Queen of child trafficking in Santa Cruz ca. Being served
Stop child trafficking!
She looks like a man.
K thanks
no it isn't
This is her PARTNER
K thanks
Take your meds schitzo
This is wendel stamps
Just before taking a swing on my outside the court where they are trafficking children
holy shit
Child trafficking admin for Santa Cruz ca
Who are these degenerates and how did you stumble across them? Details on their crimes?
The attorney on the right is my daughters fake attorney that made 40,000 on my daughters kidnapping
Robert Paterson
On the left is Eugenia Vatchkova
My fake attorney that made 40,000 on this kidnapping. They would not let me fire her. These are actors in a fake court that is actually a corporation
This is Mary Bergmans contacts
She traffics thousands of children destroying families for her pocket
>wendel stamps
they usually have really fake made up names. obviously changed from their birth name.
Shut this thread down now.
Explain what the fuck is going on faggot
Served? That political speak for wrist slapping? Why not just shoot her?
bump. good happening. post more
Fuck off you fucken frostback
It's predictable abuse of administrative law. You are right to out them to the public for abusing their position of power. Good luck to you.
take your meds pedo weebnigger
Bob Patterson Paid to help keep children safe. Does opposite. Gets paid thousands to keep children in foster care/un supervised abusive group homes. Making over 20,000 per child
Some pedos get sex changes as a cover
You guys are fucking up there. This is the first time I've seen the leafs so hard on thread, you're the peods trying to protect other pedos
People are waking up
Eugenia looks like a tranny. Did you get your daughter back? Tell us how she was kidnapped? Why weren’t you allowed to change lawyers? They are all freemasons like the judge.
Fuck you
That's how it's done, fuck these leafs
I had a seizure while taking daughter to a theme park due to being jumped by 4 people while i was in a suit.
One of them hit me In the head which caused a mass on my brain. The next Monday cps kidnapped her from school. No warrant, no reason. Now demand I have brain surgery before her return
We have 32 of them now completely legally liable.
This is Rebecca Conolly. The first judge that has a long history of kidnapping children and putting them with lesbian couples. She has a private business for adoption it’s a complete fraud
>I had a seizure while taking daughter to a theme park due to being jumped by 4 people while i was in a suit.
>One of them hit me In the head which caused a mass on my brain. The next Monday cps kidnapped her from school. No warrant, no reason. Now demand I have brain surgery before her return
Can confirm, you are a beaner and a piece of shit. These people likely saved your children's life. You need to go back. We'll send your kids to their abuella.
>while i was in a suit.
You’re in a separate lawsuit and happened to be jumped? What’s the other lawsuit about?
I take it you're a boomer who's kids got took away and you showed up to court calling them all child traffickers and now you're resorting to internet activism in an attempt to gain some support for custody?
Poor guy. Get well soon
>We'll send your kids to their abuella.
Wtf? Who the fuck are you?
Can we get more details user?
We have a huge team and she is coming home soon. Then I’ll help others. Thank you for your support!
>>We'll send your kids to their abuella.
>Wtf? Who the fuck are you?
I'm Yas Forums. Now gather your things, we will have INS meet you at the courthouse. Your children will now be given to different peopels abuella's.
Agencies and cities are incentivized for placing children in foster homes per child and if they meet their quotas, get a bonus and funding for the following year. Clinton signed this into law in the 90’s.
oh, i see, this is your fight with the state.
They are your children. Good luck. Never let anyone take your children. FUCK THAT. Fuck you cali fags.
Good luck OP
bumping for good content
Our story is know throughout the country. We will go public when she is home. She literally pushed the constitution I gave to her back to me and ignored what I had outlined. These people are tearing hearts apart