"The peasants protested against me? Well, the lockdown has been extended for 2 more weeks"

"The peasants protested against me? Well, the lockdown has been extended for 2 more weeks"

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The point of the statement was that they could be infecting each other thus potentially making the crisis last longer. Go away boomer.

were their cars too close to each other?

>suburban retards voti- protesting against their own interestests
nothing new here I guess

no, but you still completely miss the point of the statement because you're a boomer and probably a qboomer.

This is how a stupid fucking cunt falls all the way down the slippery slope entirely because of hubris.

Sad. Competent people don't do this.

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Extroverts are literally making the situation worse.

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Just another petit tyrant

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if they all get sick it wont last longer brainlet
it might be more damaging for your health system and more people will die but it will be over sooner

hiding in your house and asking is it gone yet and closing economy back once death rate goes a little up is what's making it last longer

Wtf I hate civil rights now

Well she is a woman after all

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Chad Levengood?


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Why would anyone on this site who isn’t a normal fag want an end to the lockdown?

>being afraid of the coronaflu
>calling other people boomers
Holy fucking kek how transparent can you be boomer?

wow who could've seen that coming

I hope she sticks the dogs on these boomers so the get a good taste of the boot they love so much.

Does she actually think this will go away if we stay inside another month? It won't. I hope they drag her out of the statehouse and tar and feather her in minecraft. I will watch on gloomtube with popcorn.

>who isn’t a normal fag

got bad news user, the reddit/normie menace is real

faggot got shut down has no answer but muh boomer holy shit your a faggot

because i like going out for a drink once in a while, working out in a gym, and having a non-depression level unemployment

Personally, I am a work from home fag (pseudoNEET), and 90% of my clients are closed.

>A thing happened, so we must remove all rights
This happens at every major event. Expect a new normal where your first ammendment rights will be limited.

Trips knows women should never be in a position of power other than mother

>Agree with me or else you're a boomer

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Tarring and feathering (in minecraft) is something that really needs to be brought back.

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Reminds me of demolition man

Shills try their hardest to "get" the lingo, it's like an FBI agent trying to be "cool" with the hippes.

If for no other reason, it pisses me off that I have to go to a grocery store other than the one down the road from me.

the price of freedom is always death

Is this dumb broad trying to kick off a revolution?

These people are more upset about not being able to go out and coof on each other at Cracker Barrel than red flag laws. Cuckservatives are a fucking joke.

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>calling American suburban dwellers retards
Yeah, because the bairros are filled with Nobel prize winners.

redditors are not normies
They are the ones pushing for the lockdown

Only rural retards stayed healthy, all the city folk caught covid.

Unironically yes. Remember, she was who the DNC chose to respond to Trumps SotU address.
She is being set up as a power player for the dems and this exploding into a powder keg in 24 hours was designed to end her political career knowing she'd make every wrong choice.

Imagine being a grown man that is afraid of the flu

Shoot him I know you can’t say anything because blah blah fbi blah but just fucking take one for the team god damn somebody do fucking something you have guns bloody well use them!

>In minecraft of course...

What if you're an introvert with hobbies you do alone, and this DUMB CUNT bans you from buying supplies to do your hobby with?
Why did she ban hunting, but not kayaking? Why do the bans favor the left over the self-sufficient or right-leaning people? Why didn't she shut the lottery down?

Redditors are the worst scum on earth. They are the screechy 1%. Same as twatter, they are not representative of real life or public opinion. If Reddit was the real world Bernie would be emperor and trump would get 2% of the vote

i miss smuggies

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