>be man
>walk shirtless in public
>be woman
>walk with tittys out and get fined
Why aren't women allowed to be topless at public beaches or topless in public? Why do boobs scare men who make these laws?
>be man
>walk shirtless in public
>be woman
>walk with tittys out and get fined
Why aren't women allowed to be topless at public beaches or topless in public? Why do boobs scare men who make these laws?
It incites rape. Men aren't afraid of women. Tits or gtfo.
Go be a retard somewhere else. It's perfectly legal for a woman to go topless in most states. Some cities and municipalities regulate it differently.
They are.
Except in backwards countries.... I guess
No it doesn't you animal. you need to be fixed. freak
men hold the power, tits are just sexually stimulating, it will cause more instances of rape and sexual harassment.
Ahh, Hitomi Tanaka.
you can in my city and we do a naked bike ride every year lol nobody gives a fuck
Men don't have sexual organs on their chest.
A carryover from when we used to be a traditional culture that forced modesty on women. I'm honestly surprised it still exists. My guess is because it would ruin women's power over men's sexuality if men get too used to seeing bare breasts. E-thots make a living showing off cleavage on streaming sites, like Twitch.
Are you denying sexual dimorphism?
Make it legal to show tiddies but only if you're hot.
fuck i want to be that fucking jap
Most women have disgusting tits. I don't want to see that.
pic related are the types of hags who will take full advantage of being able to go topless
it most definitely incites rape you delusional femoid
why don't you go die in some shit hole country like the rest of your virtue signaling ilk
The same reason I can't walk around with my cock out?
Based Nola
this but mandatory. i'll help regulate.
Literal neanderthal. Only thing it incites is your neanderthal pea brain. I bet you swallow chicken bones
It should be illegal to walk shirtless as a man because it's unaesthetic as hell.
>you need to be fixed
This is the entire left-wing ideology in a nutshell.
>women should be able to bend over in front of a man wearing only a g-string without that INCEL getting a boner like a creep!
Because it's small and creepy
Can confirm.
Lived in Columbus for years, and it was allowed. Every fucking event downtown there was always nasty women stronkly displaying themselves. Thereād be like 1 hot grill that everybody would stare at, but who wants a woman that would go topless in public?
The Canadian who made a thread about how men should be able to get a hardon in public without "shame" is something that should catch on, that'd be funny.
gutterpunk chicks are the worst. absolute worst. Punk is the worst thing to happen to western civilization
You are literally bill cosby
>Why do boobs scare men who make these laws?
Because unlike woman...Men really feel a compulsion >to be seuxally driven.<
If a dude dick out, woman go WTF? Mostly. Obviously some would enjoy it but most of them would go WTF and want it hidden.
Women with the vagina or boob out, most men will gawk, stalk and enjoy themselves.
fucking common sense laws.
You can make all the arguments in life for Men not sexualizing females but a woman being naked always gonna cause "the woman" problems and create problems in general. The guy being naked will be ignored or told to hide your shit. No woman gonna stalk you or cause you problems.
The majority of women who want to be topless are the ones that should be covered.
Nipples are erogenous zones in both sexes. Ban all shirtlessness.
Antifa don't mind their gf's fucking other dudes because they're not insecure.
If you were a real misogynist you wouldn't give a shit what a girl did outside of your sight, but you also wouldn't call her a gf or wife, you'd just fuck her and let that be that. They aren't people and you shouldn't invest yourself in them emotionally.
1/3 rape victims orgasm during. tell me again. who's the neanderthal?
You are saying women should legally be allowed to walk around naked carrying a gun to shoot creepy stalkers as a safety measure
>>leaving your car unlocked in a sketchy neighbourhood is not a good idea
>hurr people should just stop stealing
I want to kiss Hitomi.
Anti degeneraty... go back to jewbook you fucking cuck
Don't go to a sketchy neighbourhood.
>wanting to walk around naked
>no u r teh barbarian
Fuck off, if women are going to act like barbarians, I'm going to ravish them, raid lolberg homes and murder anyone who stands in my way. Stop trying to have your cake and eat it too.
That pic literally made me gag
Yeah when I go out and I see girls with their tits showing through those see-thru tops I find it hot, incredibly rapey.
Public titty display desensitises the fetish.
Thus they shall be concealed forever.
You admit you are an animal that needs castration. women aren't barbarians and barbarians had brides they didn't just rape. you need pills and therapy!
This but unironically. Why aren't there roving white bandit gangs yet? What does any right-wing white man have to lose by adopting that lifestyle? A gay, shitty job keeping your head down in front of some HR cunt who thinks like OP?
This is neither about you nor him you brainlet. The mere fact that there are raping troglodytes out there proves the point of public display of tits increasing rape stats.
Women are most certainly barbarians. They raid the treasury (paid into mostly by white men), they sacrifice babies to Moloch and they run around half naked.
Social contract is OVER.
I think the skinny dork with the glasses and mullet wouldnt look half bad if she ditched her shitty punk rock friends and got a makeover ASAP.
I wasn't being ironic. You're right. There is zero reason for a white man not to become a barbarian because for white men today being civilized means being a cuck, a pushover and a walking ATM.