Based on birthrate numbers, the USA should drop to around 3,371,000 births in 2025. White births were about 1.96 million in 2018, they should drop further towards 1.85 million assuming nothing changes. Overall fertility projected to stabilize around 1.6, however this means birthrates fall since Millennials and Late-70s Xers are more numerous than Late-Zoomers, so as the kids born in the late 2000s become adults the threshold needed to maintain 1.6 becomes less but it indicates they aren't doing much to exceed that TFR.
At the same time this does mean that about 55%~ of kids born in 2025 will be non-Hispanic white (both parents).
It's worth noting that many birth and fertility fluctuations are related to the Obama administration's decision to decouple white women with mixed children from the general white mother population, along with mothers of other mixed kids.
In order to maintain the current population we would need 2.6 million white births per year, so roughly 700k short.
However this all assumes a slow decline (deathrate increases will put total deaths very near to total births, the natural growth should be less than 300k in 2025) and cuts to immigration and deportations means the population will virtually stop growing. If Trump expedites the process further, there will be steeper drops in births as in 2016 about 800k+ kids were born to non-citizens. Considering natural decline combined with removal of foreigners and removal of anchor babies if all this gets done in 5 years we're likely looking 3.1 million births, putting deaths and births roughly equal.
From there it's a matter of removing permanent citizens and longterm illegals to reduce the Census enumerated population.
Have you actually seen her husband? He's the definition of an absolute cuck
Dylan Phillips
>Be USA >50k new cases and 3k deaths a day >Be Drumpf >Alright FOLKS it's time to stop the quarantine and go back to normal I want to see that green line go up BIGLY.
stop lying shill, we've seen the vids, there's cars and trucks as far as the eye can see The Bill Gates Virus is over, people are starting to wake up because the shut down is bull shit Stop lying shill, you can't stop what is happening, the shut down is over. Bill Gates instagram is being butt fucked by people saying no to his globalist vaccine bullshit. So eat shit and die you fuckstain shill
>Engravings gives you absolutely no tactical advantages
Christopher Stewart
I don't, but I think he's a boomer retard shilling jewish propaganda, because he wants wagies to get back work since he doesn't have real job and wont get infected in his studio.
Are there any Pantera fans ITT? Question: Were the lead singer's "racist" actions actually that big of a deal? Also, is the lead singer of Pantera struggling with drugs and alcohol (like he being portrayed as in the vid below)?
reason I'm asking: I just watched a vid on Pantera that was recently released by a somewhat well known channel that does vids about alt metal, thrash, punk, hardcore etc. He was going on about how the lead singer was tarnishing the Pantera name b/c of his racism etc. Something about saying "white power" during a concert. Now I am wondering if this youtube guy is a Jew himself. He quotes Scott Ian (from anthrax and a jew) as coming out against the Pantera singer.
I know there are Pantera fans that post on Yas Forums. Not sure about /ptg/. I know it's not a /ptg/ topic but didn't think this was worthy of a whole thread. Thanks in advance.
here's the vid I watched for ref. (20mins long) youtube.com/watch?v=rbkv1S3uzxI Not really necessary to watch to answer my question at the top of this post. Not shilling for this guy's vid or anything. Was just curious.
This little faggot has revealed just how incompetent this orange retard is. Next week there will be 2 million infected and over 50k deaths but he wants to open up everything, which means in 2 weeks there will be 5 million infected and 200k deaths.
Just to see some green line go up for Mr. Silversteinblatzberg. Goyim need to slave themselves to death for the economy.
phil was a troubled, angry young man with a shaved head, but he never did the white power thing. that's fake news after pantera broke up there was an army of anti-phil fans (who blamed him for pantera breaking up) and accused him of being a nazi and all kinds of shit the jew you're quoting is just part of it
It will likely be sooner than 2035 at the rate non-white births are contracting. Projecting currently it looks like sometime before 2030, which is assuming Trump doesn't expedite removals which will speed up the timetable. The second stage is getting people born from 1980-2000 when the white "echo boom" was happening to have more kids. A genuinely strong economy will help that along.
Iunno but I expect blexit as dumb as it sounds to have some impact I heard that if Dems lost like 10% of the black vote they can't win an election Blacks also hold more Republican aligned views than they know but they love gibs too much.
We should tell them that coronabucks are reparations.
Benjamin Turner
Art acevedo ed gonzalez and adrian garcia are 3 foreign born spic terrorists harassing killing and genociding white people. Check out how they harass white people at hooks airport. Literally spic terrorists harassing white people for over a decade. Hooks airport Hooks airport hooks airport hooks airport hooks airport hooks airport hooks airport hooks airport. Hooks airport. Think of the snitches omg fbi ahhhhhhhhhhbhhhh!!!!!! Spics in the military are going to beat you up ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!plz mr spic in the military dont genocide me for my white skin!!!! Im not a minority thats a conspiracy theory. 40 million illegals need to do the census to steal more white money so they can vote to disarm you evil white racists!!!!!! Lmao better think twice before you harass white people fuckers. Meeting adjourned. Just say russian collusion one more time. Lets talk about muellers purview and malfeance for fisa spying on everybody for politics lmfao. Godamn these terrorists deserve everything their going to get and more. Disband them and let white militias rule over you commie traitors. :)
>Were the lead singer's "racist" actions actually that big of a deal? ofc not
Dominic Johnson
Korean is one of the easiest languages in the world to learn. You still can.
Blake Clark
The echo boom happened because of Gen X. Millennials will not wield the same results
Adam Adams
You seem very upset that Tucker has told millions of people that: >"diversity is our strength" is retarded >mass immigration from the third world is destroying America >Western Civilization is our birthright >It's Okay To Be White >(((desert wars))) are bad