Yas Forums's COVID-19 Theory

It's been a few months now guys, do you actually have a working theory on this shit?

I don't see any general consensus from reviewing the threads. What the FUCK do you think is actually going on?

give me your >qrd

Attached: Coronavirus-COVID-19.jpg (1080x795, 686.03K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fake and gay

>A new virus appears.
>High likelihood from a lab
>Commie bureaucrats suppress because it’s bad news
>goes global, no immunity
>vaccine unlikely and even if, too late to avoid extreme economic consequences
>Will kill and permanently disable, and wreck economies for a long time
>May never be completely eradicated. Likely will mutate to stay around.
>Three years of flare ups and lock downs will likely be a best case scenario
>The course of the world will forever change

Bill Gates can never go out in public again

>(((Kaufman))) a registered psychiatrist, will now weigh in on a pandemic.
Leafbro, I really want to give you the benefit of the doubt but this is a decade of pride parades rolled into one faggoty little post. Redeem yourself.

seems plausible

Shi Zhengli's hires a new person either a grad student or a tech. They are processing urine and bloods samples that they got from field trip. The new grad student gets splashed with urine or blood stored in vials while incorrectly handling. Doesn't report to Shi to save face. Gets infected and spreads it to everyone. Shi doesn't report to superiors to save face as well. Everyone is covering their ass to save face and here we are now.

A Plasmodium is involved.
Hemozion is the "ground glass" substance in the lungs.

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>Detrick -> Lieber grants access to chink agents -> leaves sample in Winnipeg lab to be smuggled out because shit tier security and they did nothing about chinese smuggling before ->flight to Wuhan -> released in Wuhan Train Station, changed to Wet Market to suit cover story ->uhhh it was a bat, I mean Pangolin I mean uhhh -> now it's so obvious it was man made that they're trying to blame chicoms alone while they are only one side of the coin. Bill Gates revs up his goy chipping factories, Gilead have their $1000/ unit vaccine ready after an appropriate amount of time. HCQ + zinc is the spanner in the works, different pieces of the plan start stabbing each other in the back (it's jews and chinks come on) everything gone to shit but cat's out of the bag. Proceeding with the power grab anyway because people are accepting lockdown and erosion of rights even in absence of real threat.

I think that about covers it.

The Q / Celebrity Adrenomchrome shit is a weird sideshow. impossible to tell if it's genuine or a massive psyop to make the virus seem scarier than it is. Real Glownig posted that this was Operation Ultraviolet btw (the whole virus not just the Q shit), all the "Zephyr" shit is disinfo.

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then why isn’t it growing faster? lmao this virus has done jack shit so far.


fake and gay

Trump and Pence created the virus to finally get rid of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and shit got a little out of control.
17 jew will testify before the congressional jew and they both get impeached.
Nancy Pelosi will appoint Barrack Obama as interim President until elections can be held where the candidates are Hilary Clinton.

Influence on the human genome
Further information: Genetic resistance to malaria
The high mortality and morbidity caused by P. falciparum has placed great selective pressure on the human genome. Several genetic factors provide some resistance to Plasmodium infection, including sickle cell trait, thalassaemia traits, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, and the absence of Duffy antigens on red blood cells.[80][81] E. A. Beet, a doctor working in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) had observed in 1948 that sickle-cell disease was related to a lower rate of malaria infections.[82] This suggestion was reiterated by J. B. S. Haldane in 1948, who suggested that thalassaemia might provide similar protection.[83] This hypothesis has since been confirmed and extended to hemoglobin E,[84] hemoglobin C and Hemoglobin S

>Israel closes all embassies and diplomatic missions in october
>all of the fortune 500 CEOs stepping down en masse up to february
>World's top 50 microbiologists turn up mysteriously dead over the past 2 years
>The billionaire couple brutally murdered in a home invasion in Canada. What did their company make? HCQ
>CDC guy found dead in a river
>WHO guy mysteriously dies in Jan

An excuse to crash the economy and create a police state.

Basically we tripped one of those systems that worked under "as long as everyone doesn't need it at one time, it's fine" and that domino'ed all other systems operating on that.

Which creature has one voice and yet becomes four-footed and two-footed and three-footed?

its a real virus now used by the government for total authoritarian control and fear mongering. The cowards are now complying with everything.

HQ takes care of the Plasmodium but since these things have rewired the brains of the infected the cure makes them feel crazy and may lose any benefits that the creature provides.

the chinks were getting fed up with the hong kong protesters and were looking for a way to quash the demonstrations.
they came up with a variant of their bird flu and either tried to test it on a control population or it got loose via lax lab precautions and just plain old chinkiness.
either way, once it got loose they tried to cover it up and when they couldnt lie about it's existence any more they shilled the bat soup story to cover their asses.
i believe that once they realized that it was loose in china they didnt want to be the only infected nation and they spread it actively to the world or at the least covered it's existence up for as long as they could so it would spread on it's own.
we have assets that confirm it came from the chinks lab in wuhan.

Infection with T. gondii has been shown to alter the behavior of mice and rats in ways thought to increase the rodents' chances of being preyed upon by cats.[128][129][130] Infected rodents show a reduction in their innate aversion to cat odors; while uninfected mice and rats will generally avoid areas marked with cat urine or with cat body odor, this avoidance is reduced or eliminated in infected animals.[128][130][131] Moreover, some evidence suggests this loss of aversion may be specific to feline odors: when given a choice between two predator odors (cat or mink), infected rodents show a significantly stronger preference to cat odors than do uninfected controls.[132][133]

Evolution suggest that since these organisms must jump from hosts to host and can only do so through transfers of bodily fluid and since they can influence the brain, they would influence behaviors it an a way to help it self spread.

No one knows what's going on, to much tinfoil out there, either because it's just what ppl do or by design.

Why were the Chinese spraying steam everywhere?

Will all of this blow over?

More corona tinfoil and predictions:

Do you believe in FED chairman Trump?

How coronachan leads to Treasury dollar printing

This is why men are more likely to die from it in the same fashion that that gay men are more likely to contract AIDS.

It's mostly Fake. It is 10 percent real. 100 percent nothing to be super scared of like this Bitch Ass mainstream media wants you to feel.

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>Wuhan biolab experimenting on coronaviruses for [insert reason here]
>Infect pangolin with new strain to test results.
>Dumbass from outside experiment steals pangolin and takes it to wet market (employees are known to do this. Google it)
>Someone thinks "yummy pangolin" and buys it
>pandemic because wetmarket refuses to admit it illegally sells pangolin
>pandemic because China refuses to admit they have operational biolabs that would work on what is effectively a bioweapon

came from a chinese biolab, accidentally released because chinks are incompetent. WHO helped them cover it up. Itll blow over and become a part of annual flu vaccine.

Yea I have a theory: it's just a flu you fucking nigger

The corona virus may actually be attacking the Plasmodium and is really the cure to these things.

China Bio weapon They will try to buy as much USA property but we will shoot them in the face. Gun behind every blade of grass.

Keep guessing goys

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Please research this your self and spread any info you find.