Guerrilla Gardening

>What is Guerrilla Gardening?
Planting plants on unused/ugly city or private properties for purposes of beautification or food growth

>How do I do it?
Orange safety vest, clip board, done. Or you could do it under the cover of night

>What am I waiting for?
Idk user, what are you waiting for? Get out there and make your town beautiful.

Seed Bomb tutorial:

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my city has people that go around and destroy any edible plants on public property or in parks, used to know this really cool old dude who would take me through the park and point out every edible plant when i was a kid.

Do flowers instead. Make enough seed bombs of local flora and they would have to dedicate more resources then its worth to destroy them.

Reminder to try to get Kudzu or fast growing bamboo & similar pests. Scatter the seedbombs in industrial estates & ghettos & whatnot - that's the offensive counterpart of deliberately sowing edibles. Let nature reclaim it all!

That's an interesting idea. That shit is all over where I grew up and impossible to eradicate.

I would not suggest using invasive species. However, finding flora that grows like weed is great for seed bombing industrial properties.

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Fuck off, commie.
Kudzubomb niggers, don't fuck up infrastructure.

Retard, destroying your local ecosystem is no way to "own the libs"

>your local ecosystem

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>a phrase you said

this is a smooth brain counterpoint

What? Why would they do such a thing?

I don't want to do this to random people's lawns... They would probably just mow it away anyway. And most of the rest of my city is either public parks or concrete. Parks serve a purpose and I think overgrowth in the parks would, for example, make it harder for kids to play in them and attract mosquitoes. I would like more of the concrete areas to have plants, of course, but I don't think anything will grow there.

I plant rogue apple trees all over the place on other people's and state-owned property. I have likely planted over 200 of them.

He's saying he's not a nigger, you dullard.

Rosemary, i tried to annihilate it once from my garden, and the damn fucken thing grew back. Now i just trim it that plant will outlive me. Theres also this tree that grows that is a real bitch to get rid of

I mean, you get free rosemary.

Stop spreading your seed all over people's virginal lawns, just sit at home and consume like a good sterile citizen!

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to keep you dependent on the system

throw seeds fine, but throw local seeds for fucks sake.
And why put effort into growing food on others property... just do a market garden on your own land.
Wait you do own your own land don't you Yas Forums

he's right, mint grows like a motherfucker, it's also tough and flowers every year and multiplies, it's perfect

i'd seedbomb every bit of soil i'd find left, cities are becoming concrete coffins and the only thing they're leaving us with are parks, which they also over-care for to the point it just feels fake, like a manufactured "natural" experience

man, i miss the innawoods

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Plain grass lawns are overrated. Besides, you can do it on the edges of the parks to add beauty. Its especially useful for abandoned lots or private lawns (I dont mean peoples homes i mean corporate lawns)

Get out of the city user, come home.

>tfw I still remember the guerrilla gardening general threads
>tfw I remember when the OP of /ggg/ got busted for terrorism for encouraging /ggg/ with not only invasive but poisonous plants

Lol that was good times

Bullshit this is not it.
That thread was about using plants grow into nigger houses so that they fell over and shit

belgium is just one big town.

Do you want to rebel against the modern world? If so, plant native plants. revive your region wherever is may be.

Maple trees. Those things take over and grow quick. Takes much effort to get rid of them

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But they provide shade, oxygen and delicious syrup.

Then Juan comes along for 5 bucks an hour contracted through the city

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