>“I am asking: Open the city. Open Clark County. Open the state,” said Goodman, reading a statement at the start of weekly City Council meeting convened amid social distancing advisories aimed at keeping groups of people from spreading the contagious virus. >“For heaven’s sake,” Goodman said, “being closed is killing us already, and killing Las Vegas, our industry, our convention and tourism business that we have all worked so hard to build. The longer we wait to do this, the more impossible it will become to recover.”
When shit reopens, make sure NOT TO: >go to restaurants >stay in hotels or airbnb/vrbo >buy processed foods, keep the beans and rice and tinned deenz demand up instead >go to movies, shows, and festivals Time to choke the libtard money waste economy and kick those sorry cunts right in their tranny-holes.
Aaron Hill
Dog carcass in alley this morning, tire tread on burst stomach. This city is afraid of me. I have seen it's true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...
...and I'll look down, and whisper "no."
Ryan Stewart
Hope it shuts down forever
Xavier Gomez
I knew when the states start running low on revenue that they will be singing a different tune
She's fucking clueless if she thinks anyone would visit Vegas right now, what a dumb bitch. Everyone is broke. She's probably desperate to open hoping people will go to Vegas to gamble away their stimulus checks, could have happened too if she pushed for early closures, and secured more testing supplies. If they were taking temperatures at the entrance of building and had hospitality workers in PPE, they could operate at some capacity. But not now. Too bad, too sad. Vegas is going to be a disease ridden shithole as illegals pack a half dozen people into a shitty 2 room apartment, and cough over everything while they line up at food banks.
Matthew Murphy
who the fuck wants this retarded fraud of a society reopened so it can go back to the deranged state it was in? time to start planning for something else.
Landon Brooks
How the fuck is the most busy city in america broke? They have so many fucking massive buildings that probably so much money in taxes and they're broke? American cities are broken, we need to wipe out these corrupt scumbags.
Dylan Young
yeah...because people are really gonna go grope infected slot machines, and lets not even start with table games.
Brody Scott
Unions. They're melting down right now, the culinary workers union is huge. Bunch of unskilled workers used to making 60-70k as bussers.
Xavier Adams
>everyone is broke
Uh, ive been saving so much money during this
Angel Phillips
Based and Rorschach pilled
David Torres
seems like a huge majority of this country is run on imaginary credit
Luke Brown
Planning to visit Vegas anytime soon? Usually it isn't the responsible types frequenting Sin City.
Jason Allen
Honestly any other city than Vegas and I’d care. Seriously that place is a wasteful pimple.
David Allen
BASED. Jew vegas and their capital of sin btfo.
This coronavirus is a literally gift from god. Totally crippling the degenerate jewish globohomo economy.
Las Vegan here. She's right. I'll risk herd immunity here rather than have our city closed for 2 years. The virus is a hoax anyway, it only speeds up natural selection. Healthy white people will be fine.
Ethan Rodriguez
Pretty much, Cuomo is trying to sink the ship because he knows theres no saving Ny. 15 billion dollars in debt before this all began.
Julian Carter
Fuck off kike. We are keeping you kikes shut down and there's nothing you can do about it faggot
Brody Phillips
That literally has nothing to do with the psychological damage done to the population. I see people driving around with masks on, all logic has left the building. If whatever is going on is as infectious as they say there is literally nothing you can do aside from live inside a level 4 biolab and never leave.
Justin Perry
>more impossible Eh? Does water become less wet too?
Carter Ward
Las Vegan here, we don't deserve to survive this. We didn't even deserve to survive the last recession, we sure as hell don't deserve to siphon of this stimulus money while Americans are hurting. Now is the time to trim the fat and run lean for a change.
Austin Long
But why? To get bailout money?
Productive people will flee and there won’t be much of a tax base just more people asking for gibs
Dominic Morales
Why don't these casinos have a 6 month emergency fund saved up for such a reason? :)
Gavin Garcia
What’s your favorite Las Vegas hotel, bros? For me, it’s Aria with the Venetian a close second.
Anthony Nelson
that's really nice i like Cesar's Palace on strip off strip the M is really nice low class ? ill always love the Skyline
Evan James
Fuck off kike. This city is a shithole and deserve to get gassed for its degeneracy along with you.
Jose Davis
Stratosphere. Nugget was also good.
Joshua Lewis
They were all banking on the Raiders stadium being open soon and bringing in big bucks. Everyone was wasting money.
Robert Diaz
Circus circus
Camden Johnson
Absolutely based, thanks Rorschach.
Camden Brown
Gomorrah is complaining there is no one to partake in its degeneracy?