0x89, 0x50, 0x4e, 0x47, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x1a, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0d, 0x49, 0x48, 0x44, 0x52

Attached: the-key.png (1110x456, 179.8K)

Other urls found in this thread:


LARPs go on Yas Forums, newfag.

What is this about?

fuck machine code I don't fuck with that shit i'm a mobile dev

Don't know, prob some gay shit.

found this


pastebin with that first line of code

Ok. So what's up with the Cuneiform script pic?

What is the Cunieform about?

ow that got something to do with aliens

A PNG always start with 0x89, 0x50, 0x4E, 0x47, 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0A bytes.

Hexidecimal and Cuneiform? Didn't we have a puzzle like this last summer? Not that I'm complaining just sad I don't have the time for it this time.

Fuck being cryptic without a target. Point to the direction of the investigation, or else this is just larp.

So this some spoopy frazzledrip pic?

Well... looks to be either Assyrian or Late Babylonian Cuneiform.


I'm working on it...

It says "operator faggotor"

Nice larp

That is just a HEX dump of the .png the OP posted. There is probably some data hidden within the image.

The cuneiform is a misdirect, look for stenography data inside the image.

what's my prize?

Attached: 1586926500844[1].jpg (761x381, 28.61K)

Any program you recommend to decode. Show results lads.



Attached: Saturn-North-Pole-Hexagon.jpg (1173x560, 91.88K)


I meant steganography, sorry m80.

oof, you’re too dumb for this one kiddo. i already solved it and received my application to join the black sun illuminate

You don't need '0x' to write hex to people.
Stop being a retard, faggot.

Black sun = saturn limitation victory over the sun's infinite possibility

that hex evidence of Birkeland currents

Attached: 34_Karimaba - Birkeland filaments.jpg (800x594, 217.79K)

imagine putting effort to decipher this and it comes out "niggers tongue my anus"

Good luck user

Yas Forums should represent the opposition, embraced by (you) because it had Truths (you) needed to hear.

that's why i'm not even starting, user.
t. someone who actually could decipher this shit

>137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10, 0, 0, 0, 13, 73, 72, 68, 82
numbers converted to base10 for anyone interested

How did you extract it?

It's a coded message that reveals the real ayy photo my God user you mad man!

Attached: 8.png (512x512, 113.75K)

no idea, I can't read that Sumerian shit

isn't it a number counting system?

thanks mate, I hate shit like this. give me a widget tree or something seriously. I like flutter

Honestly, I am not in the mood for coding stuff to solve this. Good luck.

How would one go about looking for data in the image? I dont know much about coding some Im just curious how the process is performed

Haha very funny OP


No, it was the written language of the Assyrians and babylonians.

All I got translated is the first fucking character is "Ta."

It's a complex task. There are a wide variety of techniques for hiding data in an image. You basically just have to autismo it. Here is a list of resources if you want to look into this further:

What is the working unicode symbol right now?