Wtf is a simp, is it like a cuck?

wtf is a simp, is it like a cuck?

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thank you Latvia user

ayy brother

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Men who degrade their self-worth for a cheap ass female, in substance a cuck, right.

Sucker infatuated with mediocre pussy

fun fact: a simp is what the Simpsons are named after

Why do they even need the word simp, when the word cuck exists? What is it short for?

This has come to my attention recently. Theres still some debate as to what exactly a simp is but i believe after learning of this, i began to notice simps both online and irl.

See, a simp is a low-t male or perhaps juat a low value male who tries to do things to impress women who he has no chance of ever having sex with. He may doing this by sending flattering messages on an e-thots instagram. Or he may try flattering a women who he works with who has no interest in him because he us a low wage loser with poor future prospects. so simply put, they are men with no self awareness about their own economic, social or sexual market value and they waate their time fawning over women who they have no business even talking to. They appear bluepilled about women and what causes a women to be attracted to a man.

Simps are weak young "men" that pay women online to watch those whores get naked on camera. Cucks are weak "men" that let their women get fucked by other men.

It's the zoomer version of "cuck."

Simp is an old acronym for sucker idolizing mediocre pussy. Hell we were calling kids simps when I was in high school.

SIMP is an acronym for a male know as Brian Risso aka onlyusemeblade. He is friends with notorious pedophile paul denino aka ice poseidon and gives money to women to obtain their affection.

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sup bro

>sucker idolizing mediocre pussy

>mediocre pussy.

This is the type of idea a simp would have about women.

Zoomer twitter lingo for white knights. Anyone who uses it is displaying that he regularly uses reddit

That makes sense. I'm 28, so I'm a little out of the loop.

>All pussy should be worshipped and put on a pedestal
We found the simp, boys!!! Get him!!!

Cringe normie word that originated from anglos.

kek it all makes sense now thanks leaf

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its a beta male that orbits women he knows he can never get but continues to orbit them anyway buying them gifts and such. basically just waisting his time.

actually it's a 90s nigger term

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Is that Doomcock?

Someone who worships a woman in hopes of obtaining cooch. This includes white knighting.


why do you guys spoonfeed?
the leaf fag could have easily got his answer from urban dictionary

Because we know that when people ask questions that they could easily Google that just means they want someone to talk to.

that, and cuck, bruh, f a m, thicc and whatever nignogian slang they use.

A simpleton u fucking simp

Fuck you im the Burger King