How do we counteract Jewish racism against Christians?

Is there a word to describe Jewish hatred for Christians? and if not can we create one that encapsulates the phenomen of Jewish racism towards Christians in an easy to share way. Similar to the way anti-Semitism is used as a catch all way to deflect against arguments against Jews.

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We don't.

We are christians, we don't counteract anything.

We answer only to the invisible God.

We don't step down into the snake's level.

We are better than them and we showcase it by always being the better man.

Let them walk into damnation by their own legs.

That's right goy. Let the Jews fuck your wives and turn your race into goblins while you cry to your jewish god.

>, we don't counteract anything

Yeah, no. Nothing about Christianity promotes pacifism

But we still need a label to properly identify the behaviour of the snake.
Otherwise Christians are defenseless to stick up for their own values by calling out and recognize when they're being undermined by an outside group.
I can't believe there isn't already a word to describe this yet. There must be.

Synagogue of Satan aka Satan's children. See John 8:44

Oh boy do i got some books for you.

Look them up, they are called Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

What would you have me to do? Murder, lie and steal because of these futile prides of yours?

Sure, faggot

>racism against Christians
Put down the bottle!

titus 1 says to execute jews if they spread communism. look it up.

I have read the Bible cover to cover twice.

There's no such thing.

Idk but you should all know that god is going to be interacting with this dimension again real soon in a big way.

We need to frame it as racism because it's the easiest way to describe hatred against another group to normies.
Jewish views towards non Jews , especially Christians, fit with the accepted view of what is racist and if more people recognized how common Jewish hatred for Christians was it would change a lot of opinions.

Christians are not pacifists. There is a middle-way between the pacifist and and warmonger.

>Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Nothing about it promotes pacifism

It promotes tolerance and being slow to anger, nothing about it says you have to be a pacifist

Jesus even said sell your cloak and by a sword, Jesus is all about self defense and defense of those who can't defend themselves

Christianity is pacifism.

Christianity is to break the cycle of sin even if it costs you your life, like our Lord did, they lied about him, tortured him, killed him and he still didn't step down to their level, and he had the power to do it because he was God's personality made man.

If you think it's possible to be a christian while not being a pacifist you got your ideas whispered into you by satanic influence.

Are you saying to me you think muder can be justified when things are at stake? Things belong to this world, we don't.

Read your Bible.

>Jesus even said sell your cloak and by a sword
You need some interpretation classes and honestly i'm not in the mood right now.

Christianity is being undermined externally and from within everyday. We need a way for Christians to be able to argue back and not have to concede at every opportunity.

If you give in to your pride and sin against someone who is sinning against you, you are only making the cycle of sin spin once again.

Even the Times of Israel recognizes anti-christian discrimination is a problem

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Hitler is a descendant of the den of vipers who claim they are Jews now.

The Chabad organization are jewish supremacists.

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>If you think it's possible to be a christian while not being a pacifist you got your ideas whispered into you by satanic influence.
No. The Church as well as most theologians, Catholic, Lutheran, Orthodox and Protestant absolutely agree that Christianity does not entail pacifism.

>Are you saying to me you think muder can be justified when things are at stake?

>Things belong to this world, we don't.
But we are in the world for a reason.

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Has anyone got any ideas of how to describe being anti Christian in a word?

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Read adolf verse 14-88

"Anti-Christian" as pointed out here has too close a similarity to the Anti-Christ so we need to create a new one.

we gas the jews. simple as

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How is it possible that less than half of the critics bombed this film? It's an absolutely film.

Yes. Subversion. They call it "schutzpah" filthy kikes them be.

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>let me tell you about your religion, goy
Silence, macaquinho.

Man we need to think strategically. The Jews were strategic when they manufactured the term "anti-Semitism" because it allows the opportunity to label something that's seen as a problem nobody will question further than the accusation. It's powerful.

Christianity is vulnerable without a word to describe the phenomen of things that go against what it's core doctrines aim to prescribe and things that show blatant hatred for it's followers.

I could care less about what any church or leech institution has to say about the word of God.

They murdered thousands of innocent souls while pretending that was justified.

I answer only to GOD, Satan. Not buildings and men.

Matthew 7:21-23 (ESV)

21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’