Trump’s Once-Bright Reelection Prospects Are Darkening Rapidly

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I think he still takes it, but this Chinese virus outbreak is really narrowing the gap. I think it really depends on how the economy recovers this year.

Good news finally, if all other news stations would report the truth about our president instead of sucking up to him we could actually get a good president in office.

once upon a time in 2015 when they said trump could never win...

hey cunts i'm still here

cope harder faggot, Trump dropped a bag on a nigga so he gettin our vote

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Wait for the fall. This virus will die out, people will go back to work, and Biden will literally eat peanuts out of his own shit in the debates with Trump..

I'm pro-white and Trump is not my guy (nor Biden), but Trump has this in the bag.

Nuclear war with China would get him re-elected.

>once upon a time in 2015 when they said trump could never win...

Was this before or after Trump became a kike puppet with 30% unemployment and over 300,000 dead.

You fucking shills (probably 3 way samefag) are faggots.
Trump Just got a ton of votes with Ttrump checks. meanwhile Democrats are holding up money for small business. now tay are going to have to takeaway Bidens car keys.
You fucking faggots don't even know who your nominee is and you imagine that person contending with Trump who is kicking ass and taking names right now. You fucks are pathetic, how do you live like this?

>t. Never had an objective thought in his life

Keep telling yourself that trump bet nigger

No jobs = NO VOTE

IKR even if shit stays bad, the media have made themselves powerless to spin this against Trump. He's doing way better than Obama or anybody would have. I guarantee Obama would hide out and do a bunch of shit without exposing himself to scrutiny. Trump is unafraid and willing to hold people accountable.

What in the fuck are you talking about? I literally just said I’m pretty sure Trump wins 2020. These Trumpbux aren’t going to carry him though, especially when a lot of these fuckwits blow it entirely on Jordan’s. This will help people get over this hump, but they still need jobs.

cause the polls were so accurate the first time around

what are you retarded or something

>what are you retarded or something

Truth hurts doesn't it kike lover?

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300,000 dead eh

>30% unemployment and over 300,000 dead.

>thinking you can blame Trump because democrat governors make it illegal to work

All while Chinkshit WHO and CDC are requiring hospitals to misrepresent deaths in order to keep the numbers climbing.

The pillar of salt generated this November from you shills is going to need it's own Bible passage. Sodom, Gomorrah, and Democrat.

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I'm not emotionally invested in this. I have my reasons I don't care. Trump is being a great President right now. Unless he causes a catastrphie that can only be blamed on him he's not going anywhere.

Come on now.

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did democrat governors give 1 million mask to the IDF?

Lmao of course schizo you are clearly in the know and not some fat neckbeard

Trump in 2020 is a cuckservative of the highest order

You can't run in 2016 as an "outsider" anymore Mr. Kikeberg.

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My point is it's not on Trump that the economy recovers or not as long as he does'nt do anything crazy. They don't even have a candidate, so calling it close ia a little premature.

>replies with irrelevant nonsense to a post it doesn't apply to
>jewjew cum
Fuck off redditor.

I think he meant 6,000,000,000,000

500,000,000 masks by the end of the month. 100,000,000 on hand right now.

We’ll see. Biden’s a garbage President. Likely will pick Stacey Abrams who will play well to the white guilt vote.

>a fat loser who thinks she won an election she lost
It'll be so fucking funny if he picks her. No one likes her or even knows who is she, she's just popular among really liberal people on twitter.

It's over for him, huh? God, sometimes I wish he'd become the monster you make him out to be because I want to see all the insufferable US commies being put in camps. Shit'd make for some quality TV.

Interesting argument this "schitzo" but I don't think it's gonna hold up to even basic scrutiny.

Biden is unstoppable TBDESU.

The Dems most powerful play is the white guilt play. Having Abrams will pull black nationalists and white spinsters into the fold.


They were bright? I've only heard repeatably from the MSM that Trump was going to lose in November. Why the change of tune?

I still think Biden will pick Warren.
His advisors can't be that stupid to go for the race vote instead of the liberal one. He was Obama's VP, that's all most blacks need to know. Abrams is a joke politically and might even be seen as nothing but a virtue signal.

>He thinks playing the race card in 2020 will help senile Joe score a win
It worked for Obama in 08 because of muh guilt, but we've come a long way since then.

Once the country opens back up he'll be ok.

How do people live typing such nonsense each day? Surely they don't believe it?

Coronachan will return this board to its pre 2016/T_D glory.

if he lets the democrats pass this mail-in voting shit then he's finished

You have 7 months to dilate faggot

As long as he stays overtly a neoliberal, there's 15 to 20% of bernie bros who will vote for Trump or not vote.

Show us the article where nymag said trump had bright re-election prospects

>Trump more popular than ever with nigs because of free cash
>Joe Rogan, a podcast with more views than CNN, flat out says he could never vote for an incompetent like Biden, and would rather vote trump

>two days later: "yeah these totally meaningful polls are showing drumphft is doomed"

Biden has the black vote on lock. He should select somebody to get the suburban white woman voter. That ain't some 300 lb gap-toothed nigger.

No way will Trump allow rampant mail-in voter fraud. No fucking way. He'll sign an executive order forbidding its use and will encourage the sheep to get out, go vote, and stop being a China whipped pussy.

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Interesting point.

7 months until we stable a bum's thumb to your lap and call you a man again

>that feel when you can write all the bullshit in the world but everyday people see the exact opposite

Them tRUMP bux getting him votes yeah

I'll vote for him.

Senate would never pass it.

>Show us the article where nymag said trump had bright re-election prospects
lmao, this.
>we always said drumpf was finished
>but he had it good before now he's even more finished

Hillary expected the Bernie Bros to push her over and look what happened to her. Truth is, relying on Zoomers and millenials just won't cut it unless you're A) Bernie or B) pledging absolute free shit for eons before. They're so deluded and programmed it's not enough funny.

Biden will die before the election. Check these digits.

Everyone got 1200$ today, he won reelection.

Trumps got the Chad and trad vote on lock. He’s going for the 15% nigger/40% Jose vote, which could put him over. Might keep the Midwest and Florida which will get him over.
Biden has to keep ppl from leaving the Dem Party. That means trumps in the drivers seat.

I don't think so. He'll pick a minority gal, but not Stacey. If he picks over for gumping and gumpers. Oh, did he ever fist you like you wished for so hard?

Nobody with two braincells with blame the global (not national, GLOBAL) recession/depression on him alone. It would've happened under any President. He fucked up by making some stupid statements in the beginning and now, no matter what he does, he's going to look like a buffoon. But at this point, there's no chance Biden is going to beat him, especially with how much Bernie Bros are seething over the nomination process.

It legitimately comes down to these states: If Trump wins one of them he wins, and any combo of two or more of them is an easy win.
I think he can win PA, MI, and WI again; then possibly MN, and maybe pick off a blue state or two like NH.
National polls are irrelevant, as always.

Michael Obama fisted me with her dick

You sure about that?

China's doing fine, so it really isn't "global."

I'm sure die hard bernie bros hate neoliberals, and would rather vote for an economic nationalist than a puppet globalist. And some did in 2016, not sure what % though.
But because of how Bernie was optically fucked over AGAIN, I think it'd be higher.

Dementia Joe is 99% probable to win the election, same as Hillary.

He will probably lose Pennsylvania and Michigan since they've gone even more blue since 2016. But if he keeps Wisconsin, Florida, and Arizona, he'll still win pretty handily. Ohio's in the bag. MN will be tough but there's definitely a chance. Wisconsin/Florida could be the big upsets that sink him.