It's over
I'm not an "open the economy" retard but surely at this point it would cause irreversible damage to the country no???
stay mad wagie
>Harvard coronavirus researchers
>((( )))
It's snowballing already. You can't defer rent and shutdown small businesses for months on end without chaos.
This shit is just getting started.
That is the liberal goal, bankrupt everyone until they are willing to embrace communism as a solution to the problem liberals have largely created and pushed.
>According to Harvard researchers
What did Professor Xir and Professor Xe mean by this?
I have been practicing Social Distancing for like 10 years now.
Unless a Democrat gets elected, then we don't need to worry about it and can get this economy started back up :^)
How many 5G towers there are left in 22?
There is a much easier solution to this problem.
Distance socially all politicians from power.
People still trust these Harry Potter education fags?
Based boomers
If you don't already you better buy a gun. Things are gonna get real ugly if people are out of work that long. White collar workers are going to become part of the 1% with all service workers getting laid off.
Destroying the economy will cause casualties also.
They better make that $2000 a month plan happen if it comes to this.
read the article here you fagged
What a coincidence that it just so happens to tie in with the planned vaccination card rollout
Murica is finished, spend your money on gold, fishing poles, and seeds. Do what you think is responsible to those in thr Hamptons.
i'm on my 15th year of just dropping out of society aside from work and very close family. i work from home and have a grocery store 3 minutes walk away, i could do this for another 20 years. get exercise by walking and biking, nice cozy stream nearby to chill at.
Hahahah, scientists are fucking retards
Seems a bit excessive for a 98% survivable disease that is asymptomatic in most cases. LOL just don't be fat or old and you will be okay
Well obviously you'll open the economy, let the people who cant take it to die and move on.
its weird how people don't understand this is completely inevitable at least in murica anyways
Ya I'll get right on getting the virus and losing my older family members. This is going to be a while and the economy isn't going to make it. Idk what comes after but it won't be like it used to be.
China owns that school. Owns Fauci, too.
so are you fuckheads finally realising you've been meme'd with this hapooning or what?
I used to think it's good we got this mild of a virus with mere 1% death rate now so we can get our things in order for the virulent avian flu or something with 30% death rate that would be a literal apocalypse.
Its just getting a bit too expensive and annoying.
>I'm not an "open the economy" retard but surely at this point it would cause irreversible damage to the country no???
And thats a GOOD thing. This degenerate jewish globohomo economy/society post WW2 needs to die. It will open the door up to new political movements to replace globohomo. We may yet again see another battle of Fascism vs Communism for the soul of the planet.
And I know which side I am picking.
Is that real?
What a bunch of retards.
What is their standard error? Confidence interval?