Did Deleuze owned Yas Forums fifty years ago ?

>The extreme spiritualization of the despotic State, and the extreme internalization of the capitalist field, define bad conscience. The latter is not cynicism's contrary; it is, in private persons, the correlate of the cynicism of social persons. All the cynical tactics of bad conscience, just as Nietzsche and then Lawrence and Miller analyzed them to arrive at a definition of civilized European man: the hypnosis and the reign of images, the torpor they spread; the hatred of life and of all that is free, of all that passes and flows; the universal effusion of the death instinct; depression and guilt used as a means of contagion, the kiss of the Vampire: aren't you ashamed to be happy? Follow my example, I won't let go before you say, "It's my fault," O ignoble contagion of the depressives, neurosis as the only illness consisting in making others ill; the permissive structure: let me deceive, rob, slaughter, kill! but in the name of the social order, and so daddy-mommy will be proud of me; the double direction given to ressentiment, the turning back against oneself, and the projection against the Other: the father is dead, it's my fault, who killed him? it's your fault, it's the Jews, the Arabs, the Chinese, all the resources of racism and segregation; the abject desire to be loved, the whimpering at not being loved enough, at not being "understood," concurrent with the reduction of sexuality to the "dirty little secret," this whole priest's psychology—there is not a single one of these tactics that does not find in Oedipus its land of milk and honey, its good provider.

Be honest, you recognized yourself in that description.

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tl;dr for brainlets please

>The extreme spiritualization of the despotic State

pol isn't one point of view. I am not denying some people are like this, but pol doesn't have a single point of view. Also this is terrible writing

I hadn’t realized what a poor writer Deleuze was. That read like a chubby girl’s livejournal in 2004.

it's much more readable in french

Sounds like an useless mental masturbator writing a lot of poetic prose but explaining almost nothing important and backed by nothing too (like 99% of soft "sciences").

psychobabble with a 'gotcha' ending! trite.

kekked real hard because deleuze just leuze and ramble

if you don't like it here fucking leave ?

kind of tune

how can anything be more readable
if it's in fucking french

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but futile in here

I've tried reading Deleuze -- doesn't work.

God is a Gaul word for Odin

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IE: The modern civilized man is a schizo because he is taken between his capitalist uncouscious, that wants to free the movement of man and things, to destroy all social orders to produce more value, and his despotic ego, his fascination for the despotic state or figure, that serves as a natural gate against this brutal desire.

Bad conscience can turn into fascistic fantasy, the fantasy of a return to order that is impossible because capitalism can't stand no order and want to destroy all identities in its structure itself. The inability to solve that schizophrenic duality turns into fascism : it's the fault of the external enemy ( the jew the arab the chinese) if I want to kill the father, if I want to destroy structural order as much as I fantasize it.

IE: take your meds schizo

you should try horkheim and fromm, unless you pre-agree with their ideas their books are unreadable 1-man circlejerks without any truth in them

preemptive kike got in just in case kek

H A P P Y E A S T E R, user

Many word, big word, say many thing, many big thing. Make think big. Very coherent and not just many word saying, "strawman bad something something Oedipus!" me smart now

Ownership of your own land and investments

> = the hatred of life because Nietzsche said so
I smell Juda-ism and not Nietzsche

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The Pope really needs to put the Index Librorum Prohibitorum back in effect

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>unless you pre-agree with their ideas their books are unreadable 1-man circlejerks without any truth in them
in that sense they are pamphlets and they are opinionated journos writing a piece

le luezer included

>the hatred of life and of all that is free, of all that passes and flows; the universal effusion of the death instinct; depression and guilt used as a means of contagion, the kiss of the Vampire: aren't you ashamed to be happy?
He is describing the current left pretty accurately.

Deleuze, Foucault, and Guattari are dialactical retards no different from Socrates. This is the apogee of decadent 'prose' right here.
is correct

>preemptive kike got in just in case kek
If I was a kike why would I mock Yahweh mooo?

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wow a string of nonsensical babble for people who go to organic coffee shops and wear Drongos For Europe shirts to pore over and feel superior for it
pack it up boys Yas Forums irrevocably btfo

>O ignoble contagion of the depressives, neurosis as the only illness consisting in making others ill; the permissive structure: let me deceive, rob, slaughter, kill! but in the name of the social order, and so daddy-mommy will be proud of me; the double direction given to ressentiment, the turning back against oneself, and the projection against the Other: the father is dead, it's my fault, who killed him?
Yes indeed he is describing the current left.

>The Pope really needs to
Stop Gnostic child rape and Kabbalah Communism

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because ur a atheist kike, ha!

Sounds like some fucking commie gobbledigook

Another French wanker. Have you producer anything of value this past century?

>the father is dead, it's my fault, who killed him?
Gnostic gollum

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Ellul is much more smarter and more interesting.

>They just hate life and all for no reason, just fucking hating bastards
>The "nazis blame everyone but themselves" despite every NS author writes essays on how man is ultimately responsible for his own condition and that we too are all to blame for living in such a world and allowing it to go on
>Throwing the crimes of the Bolsheviks onto National Socialists because there were killings, ignore all context just murder bad
>Freudian psychology of projection
>Dissolves into leftypol tier posting
>More Freudian projection
Oh look, French user got btfo in hololcaust threads too many time so he's resorting to this

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Also true.
But it doesn't make it less true for Yas Forums and the victimhood gang that spread here, mixed with fascination for extreme violence, and the liking for death.
The archeytpal Yas Forums user fap at traps, feels bad about it, shitpost about killing all niggers to repent himself from his wrongdoing, then ends up celebrating coronachan as the death-cultist he is. He's as much a postmodern schizo as any SJW fag.

>thinking every Yas Forumsster is the same goy

>because ur a atheist kike, ha!
>worship Yahweh!
cut dick

sacrifice son

kill gentile

end world

life bad

Mind you this covers
>Gnostic Luciferians "Illuminate"
>Christian elite churches

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Great, now go to another site that fulfills some other stereotype. May I suggest one that caters to idiots who look for easy explanations for everything?

>Freudian projection

Brainlet detected. Deleuze is anti freudian to the core. It's the fascination for Oedipus, for the nuclear family, mommy-daddy-me, that create the paranoiac-fascistic shitposter. Psychoanalysis is the last bastion of the bourgeoisie.

>Index Librorum Prohibitorum
I know she is cute as fuck

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>fault, it's the Jews, the Arabs, the Chinese,
Were is the evidence against it so. Let’s try to scientifically explore it.
>the resources of racism and segregation; the abject desire to be loved
Again is there evidence, because most people currently aren’t loved. In fact most people hate each other and still they would even get themselves in danger to prove they aren’t racist. Pretty weak reasoning.
>the whimpering at not being loved enough, at not being "understood,"
Very onomatopoeic, but do most people even want to be understood. Many would argue that this is the worst thing that could happen. Just ask Foucault.
>concurrent with the reduction of sexuality to the "dirty little secret,"
As if sexuality is a secret. Just laughable it’s everywhere and it has been for 40 years.
>this whole priest's psychology—
Seems he just doesn’t like religious people, but it kinda seems like he was one to his followers.
>there is not a single one of these tactics that does not find in Oedipus its land of milk and honey, its good provider.
Seems just naive. He obviously believes in the paradise himself, at least implicitly judging from his text, if it wasn’t for those damn reactionaries.

I don't even understand the argument you're trying to make anymore. Too smart for me I guess.

>Stereotype bads
>D-d-don't judge me

So what, you're against stereotypes now ? You feel included in a bad generalization ? You're not all the same ?

I thought that you guys who likeD racial statistics understood that you don't judge a particular group by its exceptions, but by its proeminent trends. Well, the proeminent trends here are death-cult, bad-conscience, and fascination for violence.

>Doesn't know what Freudian projection is
He can be anti him all he wants, but when you write about how your opposition, specifically "muh nazis", how they all are secretly children with mommy and daddy issues, blame everyone for everything else, and just want to do what they want and not be stopped, it's usually either based off his works, or someone writing the same tune. Okay, so I'll just call it Projection

>The nuclear family is bad because mommy daddy me
Now that is Freudian, when he likes to write about how children who still hate their parents secretly have good relationships with them, even if they are disfunctional, while those who come from functional ones and have a good relationship are secretly all crooked. It's the same lefty projection shit of "oh look a normal happy white family, they clearly are all doing drugs and fucking like dogs". Sorry, I'm not a big expert on sniffing the differences between horse shit and bull shit

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Nuclear family isn't some irrational "fascination", it's the foundation of a healthy society. People care about it because people naturally want to start families, whatever some bloviating French faggot thinks. God bless the Nazis for killing that cunt's brother and bless the pavement for cracking his own worthless skull open the day he finally realised his writing is shit and he'd achieved nothing