tf i thought every one under 30 was safe?
23 year old dies from coronavirus in ireland
it was actually a faggot who died of aids. kinda like you should kike.
wtf are you talking about? how am i shilling?
sage bush jew
youre a retard
That's fucking rude
Is this the invasion of Irish who type like niggers?
stupid fuck, you're next !
Or perhaps an underage b& riding babbys first vpn.
Yes, corona lockdown has triggered an e-potato famine, this trend will only increase.
is this the "anime pedo" response thread? cause you're sure making it look like that
>Among the 1,482 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19–associated hospitalizations reported through COVID-NET, six (0.4%) each were patients aged 0–4 years and 5–17 years, 366 (24.7%) were aged 18–49 years, 461 (31.1%) were aged 50–64 years, and 643 (43.4%) were aged ≥65 years.
The absolute fucking state.
The influx of Irish primary schoolers is still marginally disturbing.
continue to show off your respectable set of underage anime girls. im sure you don't fap to them. im sure you just appreciate the art and story. tell me again why im underageanime is the most retarded art form imaginable. do you also watch dora the explorer?
Heart attack usually hit fat and old people, 1/100 it hits someone young and healthy, it happens.
Underaged and female, by the looks of it. This was always a place for anime. Before Yas Forums was even a board.
>this is an anime imageboard
see that cope every day. cope harder with your little figurines
Lmao if you knew how under-reported we're being at the moment, you'd call German and Swedish media "trustworthy".
Sit back and accept it lad. There's are three strains out right now and we still haven't gotten a vaccine to work on the first one from 2002. (Sars)
you see paddy, you aint white so thats why you guys are getting the ching chong flu.
Get a load of this faggot. Don't even have the balls to refute being called a woman on the internet.
Based death cultist wanting to kill everyone
>The median age of those who died was 82 years.
I think you'll be fine user.
Look up what 2ch is so you know what you're talking about first.
they're not pedos. they're just CIA. actually hang on...
i know what 2ch is. doesn't mean anime isn't garbage
Irish have always been the niggers of wherever they go, it's true. For awhile there, they were below niggers in America. A monumental feat, considering niggers were slaves at the time.
I bet you've seen more helmets than Hitler you filthy little cum dumpster.
i want the average not the median!
It's like a 1/100k chance. You have a better chance of dying in a car crash driving to the store to get a gallon of milk than you do of dying of the virus.
>defending animefags
outed yourself there lad
Obese, STD, heavy smoker, or all of the above?
Are you younguns' posting next to each other on one of your mother's couches? That's so cute that you brought backup.
Shove it, lard-arse. I refuse to have my racial description asserted by fucking mystery meat.
dumb nigger. if I gave you 1000 skittles and said 10 are poisoned, are you going to risk eating any?