
what happens here?

Attached: Belarus.png (1280x640, 16.21K)

It's like the backrooms meme, but as a country.


Somewhere this year an atomic power plant would start working
Other news have no value across the border

if right wing nationalism and communism had a retarded child, that is Belarus.

women there import BBC

Is there something wrong with mixing communism and nationalism?
Or are you a dirty degenerate liberal?


Can you be a neet in Belarus?

Yes theres something wrong with incorporating communism into anything. jesus fuck you aussies really are chinks aren't you?

1. Forestry
2. Farming
3. Chemical plants
4. Farm and construction equipment are built
5. Other industries
6. A lot of potatoes get eaten
7. Budding software/IT industry
8. An interest in nuclear power despite taking the brunt of Chernobyl

Types of people:
1. People care about their families and are just trying to get by. They're not that ideological. Value family, sustenance, stability, religion.
2. People who want to immigrate.
3. People who want to start a business selling something to foreigners.
4. People who want the economy to grow.
5. Older people who think a lot about WWII and wish some elements of the Soviet Union returned.
6. People who are crazed nationalists. Believe in fake history. Celebrate the fact that their ancestors were annexed and pegged by Lithuania. Most of these types want to join the EU and are hoping for a color coded revolution.
7. Young people who are political activists and want the country to look like France.
8. Young people who are politically neutral and kind of like the things the way they are, except with a little more money.

what about migrants? is Belarus being flooded with non whites?

>a lot of potatoes get eaten
Ireland 2.0

Belarus is alt right paradise has no degeneration, democracy and is 99% huwite!

>alt right
Great, another country infested with zionist hebes

Why would anyone flood a 3rd world country

alt right paradise that daydreams about the good ol' days of the soviet union because they've been fed so much propaganda that communism is great. kys.

Only country where KGB didnt change its name

In your opinion, what are the biggest concerns of people in Belarus right now? How do they view America, Russia and their own country?

they dont believe in viruses

Pretty hot women, based on what Bald & Bankrupt pulls on YouTube. High IQ (look it up), quiet, and unassuming. Unironically looking to move there when I make my millions.

>good ol' days of the soviet union


A weird mix of communism and conservatism.

It is where poop goes after a Russian flushes the toilet.

Attached: ammon.jpg (1200x1200, 112.69K)

>what happens here?
The future of the European peoples

Attached: ee.jpg (1080x1080, 75.15K)

Why do you say that?

I was born in belarus, the first time I saw a non-white was when I came to the US by greencard

Your fellow countryman asked and I answered to the best of my knowledge and conscience.

Imaging no ad boards anywhere except social ad


Attached: hot12_den_vyshivanki_zam_tutby_phsl_02072016-1.jpg (1003x674, 525.94K)

i like their death penalty by what i read they take people to a room and shoot them in the back of the head without telling the family and put them in an unmarked grave. Now thats the way to get rid of pedos. I for one would love to visit this sleepy little Nazbol country.

Kek I watch his videos too

>3. Chemical plants
>8. An interest in nuclear power
Understandable. A landlocked nation with either Polish coal or Russian natural gas for fuel options

same here bro. In my university finance class i compared Belarus too the Ukraine and the Russian federation on an example how capitalist shock therapy was shit for the soviet union. It faired much better than other nations by adopting protectionism and nationalism. This is one of the few countries i care to visit.

A bunch of trees. I’m from Polotsk it’s cool and the women are horny but quite boring

Based fact. Didn't know. Own your labels and fuck what others think, I like it.

maybe, but no neetbux here
we have a special tax for unemployed, that should motivate you to find a job

Would you rather live under NazBol or this kiked up system with tranny faggots & Somalian niggers everywhere? Many in Eastern Europe think the USSR collapsing was a bad thing, as while you can get some nicer toys now, it's not worth all the other shit.

well thats nice it forces people to be useful, in big american cities some people choose to be homeless because its easier to panhandle than work.


Baaasedlarus. Everyone move to Belarus ASAP.

Nothing. Stay away.