>Blocks your path.
>"So you're racist piece of shit everyone's been talking about"
What do?
Blocks your path
>these are the people that call you incel online
let that sink in
add a few people with pink hair and facial piercings and this would be a perfect example of what we're up against
*unzips dick*
laugh turn 360 degrees and walk away
Literally start beating the shit out of every one of them at once
Mr.Osbourne? Can I have your autograph?
Ishallah *boom*
The autists on the far left love to project their faults on others. Often using the same points that were used on them when normal people shoved them in lockers in hs.
you realize if you turn 360 degrees your in the same spot you were before, and are henceforth walking right into them.
Throw rocks
This is the team that's using my brown ass to elevate themselves among their white bullshit class.
I'm a fucking homophobe, I'm conservative. So is all of my damn family, what the fuck is wrong with this shit. I don't even understand it.
All I do is ask them one question and it blows their mind: "Are you a faggot?"
>"What.. no!"
"Then what are you doing supporting their party"
You realize it’s your first day on the interwebz?
Faggot fell for bait's bait
>Gather my fellow Kekistani crusaders
Subpoena their cell phone footage as proof of preventing my free travel and make sure they all go to court
Ask them what the proper was to check if an STL container is empty and watch them look at you like a dog shown a card trick. Then plug your ears because they’ll start reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeing soon.
Guess I am catching a few hate crime charges
Sure thing pal.
I def could stomp them all at once and I’m not even particularly tough
>laugh turn 360 degrees and walk away
Ha, you would only turn 360 degrees? I would turn a full 720 degrees before walking away.
Agent Johnson, I'd like to redpill you on Pedogate.
Pull out my dick, look her straight in the eye and say....
Your faggotry is only exceeded by your faggotry.
Even if all of these people attacked me at the same time as a mob, I think I would still come out on top. Beard manlet and khaki shorts guy might cause some trouble, but everyone else looks like one punch outs.
Call them all bigger loving race traitor kike puppets and moonwalk away. None of them will retaliate because they're pussies, and if they do that's why I have 15+1 under my jacket.
"Niggers, tongue my anus"
Fucking finally.
Literaly do a 360 and walk right through the group.
The only problem might be their stench. I can smell them from here: stale pussy, dick cheese, and patchouli.
Hey Sweden
Remember when your government hired op photo related pic to promote a video LBGTI to say their nana was a nono. Post vid please.
You’d be walking away from them retard
They'll spread aids on you tho.
>Yes, it's me.
>by the way if you're going to beat me up, I'm Israeli-Brazilian therefore you're opressing a Jewish minority
>oh, and you owe me holocaust reparation bux
I laugh hysterically as I beat the shit out of them without breaking a sweat
Images like this just solidify in my mind that humans are not built for combat.
This board isn't for you, friend.
"Why yes, I am."
Laugh at them
Absolute garbage trannyfaggots
>takes elevator
>You’d be walking away from them retard
It's 360 degrees in metric fool. That's walking away.
Keep walking without acknowledging their existence, 95% of the time they will part way for you for fear of violence and if they don't you can just trample them anyway.
Checked and keked
I play blue eyes white dragon
Your move
>What do?
Wait till they neck themselves.
Throw the first fucking punch you nasty bitch I fucking dare you
I bash them , bloody and savage style , biting and headbutts ... I do my best to kill as many as possible .
Same thing you’d do in any version of that scenario... take out biggest bully first, the rest will just run
Best post
Michael jackson?! I thought you were dead, bro!
Indeed, jamal. Faggots and blue haired trannys are your closest allies! Lol. Go team!