So Yas Forums claims the white race is being genocided through mixing...

So Yas Forums claims the white race is being genocided through mixing, but they also deny that race mixing is prominent in society. Which is it?

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Both. Those aren't mutually exclusive. Also Yas Forums isn't one person faggot.

>So Yas Forums claims the white race is being genocided through mixing
It's being genocided through murder and displacement, only cumbrained retards like you claim it's solely through racemixing

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Cuck fetishist thread

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that nigga looks like prodigy

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If the Average IQ for blacks are in the 80's, how do whites fall prey to idiots that were previously classified to be borderline mentally retarded? When you consider America is still somewhat segregated, how are whites just running into the 5% (percentage of criminals) of the 6% (Black Americans) and getting BTFO'd by these low intellect sociopaths

that nigga look like every nigga ever

this is a good thing to do. let us follow the lead of our fellow jews. they know the way, they are smart.

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cause ain't no such thing as halfway crooks