Damn AOC just roasted TF outta Joe Biden.
The progressive liberals are waking up to how corrupt the DNC is. They're basically republicans, but in blue.
Damn AOC just roasted TF outta Joe Biden.
The progressive liberals are waking up to how corrupt the DNC is. They're basically republicans, but in blue.
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Why do Democrats keep doing this to themselves?
I want to thrust my erect penis repeatedly into AOC's vagina before reaching climax and ejaculating in her birth canal if you catch what I'm drifting
>The progressive liberals are waking up to how corrupt the DNC is
No they aren't
Just take the candidate the DNC chose for you and shit the fuck up and give them your money. Why is that so hard for leftists.
She can redpilled?? They are probably struggling to control her access to info. If we turn her, it world be gold
AOC and Bernie aren't in the establishment. They just are on the Democratic side because USA is a two party system. Independents or third parties don't get noticed.
The same could be said about the Alt-Right supporting Republicans. They don't really care about your social views, they just play on them for your vote. They only care about getting money from corporate lobbyist.
How could ignoring it possibly work? The republicans are just going to ignore it too?
im like 80% sure she's controlled op.
i wouldnt be surprised if she was paid by potus to sabotage the dems campaign.
Honestly, if she went full NatSoc, she would be the Brappie Queen of Yas Forums
She's right.
>and sexy
she's a Bernie or Buster
Based AOC helping out Trump. No wonder he likes to call her out when some MSM cuck brings up Biden.
She is actually /ourbitch/ and is the biggest Yas Forums figurehead of our time
Wish she would sexually assault me
most progressive are hypocrites because at the end of the day they will support whatever candidate the establishment props up.
I can promise you they will bitch and moan but at the end of the day they will vote for Joe Biden. they'll be shamed into either by the feminists (OMG think of the justices for fucking sexist pig), or it will be the democrats favorite useful idiots like ANTIFA. these morons will call anybody who doesn't support Biden a fascist, threaten to dox them or get them fired for being waycist.
that's how the democratic party operates. I'm not a right winger at all but I've learned to absolute hate these people more than I possibly ever could any republican. they're the biggest road block to winning back workers rights. they will always sell out the working class for meme identity tokenism.
but they are
I work with Bernie bros and since we've been out of work because of the Kung Flu we have been talking a lot and these fuckers legit want Bernie and AOC to start a socialist party.
I think if those chuckle nuts did it might actually have the support and momentum to take off and become a recognized legitimate party that could contend for seats
Inb4 progressives move to the Republican party
>The communist Jewish bartender is unironically more based then most liberal
Why are the left like this? Why do they eat themselves in their web of lies and doublethink? Even the Jews spinning these lies are attacking on another. We truly live in a clown world and I fucking hate it
She looks like Huma
Is rape not based though? It's not Joe Biden's fault he was enticed by a whore. Whores need to be subjugated. Men are the givers and women receive. To not recognize this is to give in to the liberal "equality" mindset. Read Revolt Against the Modern World.
That’s exactly what (((they))) want, the “establishment” is nothing but puppets to the Jewish cabal who will provide an alternative to the “incompetent left” who can’t stop the further right-leaning evil moderates who are supporting their puppets on the right. Trump supporters are unknowingly playing right into their hands. It a classic case of divide and conquer
Just when I thought she couldn't be any more perfect, she comes out and says this
>You will see the socialists join forces with the nationalists in your lifetime
Based thot patroller
Shut up shut up SHUT UP!!!
Can someone accuse AOC of sexual assault? Why isn't everyone just running wild with this shit, you literally dont need any evidence
>not going Fallopian deep
dicklet detected
could it be his return?
Well, she’ll be voted out next term.
Yas Forums has still never answered me, is that a real x-ray or did someone shoop those perfect nipples on?
Can't wait to see her not show up on the ballot. Establishment Democrats went from
>A threat
in their perception of her