Bush wins it by 10 points
McCain wins it by 8 points
Romney wins it by 8 points
Trump wins it by 3 points
Biden up by 5-6 points

What happened in the last 16 years Arizonabros?

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>Es ok meester, meesa hate fags and neegers

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California happened

The fuck is this? A fat fetish??

d e m o g r a p h i x

>Biden up by 5-6 points

looks like a filipina


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Texas is next :)

Immigration. Anyone who blames muh Californians is in denial because Californians only leave California because they are anti-left wing. I know dozens of families who have left California in the past 30 years and most were right-wing and the rest were non-voting apolitical types (some of whom became right-wing after a decade of being in their new state).

So what? The last thing this country needs is another Kike-controlled Republicunt puppet.

Same EXACT thing is happening in Texas.




>it's because of all these damn libruls movin' from California

>the state gained almost nine Hispanic residents for every additional white resident.


Attached: Texas demographic.gif (602x579, 3.19M)

I don’t trust this shit for one second. There’s no way. The polls are fucking lying just like they did with Hillary, only this time they learned their lesson and are trying to make it believable

Combination of the two. It's how progressiveness expands its also how Islam expands.

Voters vote for bad policies in that make their state unlivable so they move out bringing their voting habits with them. This case, they allowed illegals in, called it a sanctuary, illegals live 30+ in a single family house paying much more in rent than any single family can afford all the while doing the jobs those single families used to do for slave wages. Drives them out of their jobs, drives the families out to places like Arizona cause they can't afford the real estate or sell their shit condo for what a McMansion would cost in AZ.

About the same happens with Muslims, they screw up their own countries, need to get out and bring their screwed up ideologies with them to places that haven't been screwed up yet. That's how it all spreads.

nothing happened in the last 16 years. the change is only with trump. they are probably rather prudish in az and dont like trumps personality. what the vote is with the next republican candidate will be telling.

You're wrong. You have to realize that most illegal aliens have U.S. Citizen children. They grow up and vote Democrat. People seem to have this old-school mindset (that used to be true): oh, there's tons of illegals but they will go back home. That's not how it works anymore. The days where it was 90% men and agricultural workers, who used to stay 6 to 9 months before returning to Mexico are GONE. Both sexes come and they stay permanently. They shit out kids, not only because that's what they do naturally but because it entitles the family to gibs.

Every illegal alien family is a ticking time bomb of 2-4 Democrat voters in 20 years. That's why Democrats love them. Republicans, being the dumbfucks they are, blame their fellow white countrymen for the rapid political change.

>the state gained almost nine Hispanic residents for every additional white resident.
good, I hope mexibros fulfill their reconquista.
pic related is your future.

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>shares a border with Mexico
gee I wonder

Only partially true in some areas, but in the lower end of the state the leftists move to, and do vote Democrat. They left because of high costs of living, and are so stupid to know why, or more like in denial of why. The Cali people who move to the northern half are the right wing people. Every time I go to the valley the left coastalness of it is getting worse. We are still good at making sure the illegals are not voting, well for now. Also I do not believe Biden is up that much, you have to be seen to be at any level.

and so are you


>the favela monkey said, as left the Internet cafe and retreated into his corrugated metal shack. As his young sisters gave him a putaria dance show, he smirked, thinking of how he totally owned that American on Yas Forums. He knew that the entire United States could never recover. Unfortunately, he would not live find out as he was killed in an armed robbery later that week. His family served Sopa de Macaco, in his honor, at his funeral reception.

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Republicans are literally dying out

How much of that is due to old (and therefore more conservative) people dying and young whites brainwashed by university professors voting Democrat?

>ugly soulless chinknigger eyes of a snake
fuck your ugly cunt bitch faggot

>cringe white bois
cope, black men are breeding white women en masse.

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Red for Ed. Also Californians won’t stop moving here and shitting everything up. Phoenix used to be a big city with a small town feel, but now it’s getting just as shit as any other commifornia city. Also Arizona’s housing prices are some of the best anywhere and faggot libshits keep building more apartments. AZ population is growing faster than most any US state.

spics, duh. The MSM is memeing that it's "Californians" but everyone knows that's bullshit. It's fat, ugly spics that vote for gibs. They are being mobilized in red states strategically. Same thing is happening in TX and UT.

It is really just more of the left ruining an area, and then moving on to the next area to ruin. It is more hypocrisy than anything else. They are all for socialism until it costs them personally, and then they move some where to change it toa soft socialism area, but it never just stay soft, it ruin everything, every time.
The younger ones though are being indoctrinated though, and it is nation wide actually, but I believe they are picking on us because of SB1070, and have decided to change us through invasion.

>but I believe they are picking on us because of SB1070, and have decided to change us through invasion
Take your meds. Your state is being BEANED just like California was 30 years ago and you're blaming Californians.

I come here for the memes, stay for the learning. Thanks frend

sanctuary cities

Yep. Just ask Sen. Sinema (courtesy of the "extra" voting locations)

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Spics happened. They are arguably worse than niggers. Anyone who has lived/worked around them knows this.

Horrible and dysgenic creatures they are.

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Beaners flooded Pheonix and Tuscan

and yet democrats can't even win fucking michegan anymore

face it it's sunbelt/south vs north now, democrats gonna run everything from richmond to el paso like they used to

To add, I am convinced their (spics) rates of socio/psychopathy are much higher too. Just look at how they peeled that guys face off

>What happened in the last 16 years Arizonabros?
californian invaders

Watch that clip just before dinner

>They are being mobilized in red states strategically.
No, the spics merely go where the jobs are. idk about Arizona but Big Ag-owned Texas politicians love illegal aliens and have for a long time.

The Texan Congressional delegation demanded a proviso into the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, which exempted employment from being considered harboring illegal aliens. Had that not been in the law, anyone who hired illegals would have been committing a felony.
Before 1986 it was not unlawful to hire illegal aliens. Then in 1986 some Texans interested a criminal warrant requirement in order for INS to search agricultural operation. Before 1986, INS didn't need a warrant to do farm and ranch checks. It was the #1 way for INS to get big arrests. Since 1986, they don't even bother since the warrant requirement is too strict.

Border Patrol Inspectors from the 1950s and 1960s tell stories of farmers and ranchers with political connections getting the INS to back off.

If Texas was serious about illegal immigration, the state would make E-Verify mandatory, they would require all Texas law enforcement agencies to become 287(g) immigration officers (effectively turning every cop into an ICE agent), and they would build their own wall.

But they don't for the same reason they never have: they are selfish people that would rather pay Juan $5 an hour than to have white babies.

Fuck Texans. They've been voting-in scumbags for at least 75 years. They deserve everything they get. Unfortunately Texas going brown means that the left gets more electoral college votes.

You're welcome.

Trump has largely failed to deliver on his trade promises. I doubt that he'll win the Rust Belt again.

kys retard


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Holy jesus christ mother of based

About what?

Funny because huehue monkey niggers such as yourself enjoy eating bats like your bretheren the chinks. Uma delicia.