what a fucking quack. people actually listen to this dude? these people have no credibility. first lying about masks. then 200k dead down to 40k. now shit like this?
Well if dr fauci said it's fine
i really dont understand kikes. they look ass ugly, and i guess as a result they always push sexual deviancy and more open sex in order to get some.
but as a result women's standards go up, and they get left out. these kikes wouldn't get any matches on their own platform. so i guess they push even harder for more degeneracy
Jewish people have more shame about sex than almost any group in the world retard, dont mistake ashk imposter kikes as jewish people
(((Tinder))) is essential, doncha know.
So its ok to go out on random fuck dates, but not protest the total destruction of white, christian small business?
Small business is a direct attack on globalist jews - that is why they shut down all the white owned small businesses. Go into a big city and the immigrant owned businesses are ALL still open.
Go into a small city, it is on lockdown, even though exposure risk is far lower.
Immigrants and big business are just ignoring the law basically, while law abiding white americans are forced out of business.
Protesting against un-constitutional lock downs is a direct attack on globalist jews and their allies in our traitor government. Every user should make a shitpost sign and attend their local protest!
Nothing makes the jew authoritarians more angry than seeing mostly-christian, motly white middle class people out on the streets standing up for ourselves. DONT LISTEN TO THESE SHILLS. When the lockdown is over, ONLY PROTEST can allow Virginians to get their rights back. Only protest will allow the overturn of laws we dont like.
Never ever listen to someone who tells you not to protest! Ever. They are spitting in your face and calling it a blow job.
So i have to wear a mask outside but can run around fucking whores all day. What the fuck backwards ass concept is this? Rona is bullshit as fuck this is simply a power grab. Fauci is probably a jew.
>Fucking strangers from a dating app is ok
>Not allowed to keep a local coffee shop open thats too dangerous
>So i have to wear a mask outside but can run around fucking whores all day. What the fuck backwards ass concept is this? Rona is bullshit as fuck this is simply a power grab. Fauci is probably a jew.
IT almost feels like it proces the lockdown is a farce, especially with what is happening in Michigan!
How are both of these things supposed to be true:
>Too dangerous to buy seeds
>Too dangerous to play wind instruments in at-home internet church services
>Too dangerous to go golfing, fishing, hinting, hiking, etc.
(((Tinder)))? An online semi-anonymous meat market for random sexual encounters?
I want to fucking vomit.
Link plz
>‘Maybe it’s fine if this one stranger comes over.’ What do you say to that person?”
>“You know that’s tough,” replied the befuddled National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director to the curveball. “Because that’s what’s called relative risk.”
>Then he dropped the bombshell. “If you’re willing to take a risk — and you know, everybody has their own tolerance for risks — you could figure out if you want to meet somebody,” said Fauci, who was named a candidate for People magazine’s “Sexiest Man Alive” award.
>He added, “If you want to go a little bit more intimate, well, then that’s your choice regarding a risk.”
quaruntine tourists are going to get super redpilled in the next couple weeks lol
Not the nursesszsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
This goes against everything he's said.
>Jewish people have more shame about sex than almost any group in the world retard, dont mistake ashk imposter kikes as jewish people
Jews push degeneracy as one of the many tactics they use to subvery societies. They have done this for, quite literally, hundreds of years. Look into pre ww2 Weimar. Look at Rome!
So we can all agree it's pretty obvious that Trump has directly threatened this guy, right? He doesn't want to fall victim to the (((Trump curse))) after all
>This goes against everything he's said.
(((Tinder))) is above quarantine laws. So is (((destroying western dating))).
Tinder is a matter of (((national security))) to these cretinous globalists.
>Fauci opens up his Tinder
>Fauci starts swiping through the 18-22yo thots in his area
>most American Jews are more successful than me and it makes me feel bad so I'll become an anti semite
Heh fuckin showed those jews
>Heh fuckin showed those jews
The goyim know what you people have done. What will you do when the white guilt runs out?
Dr fauci is an Italian Catholic
>Dr fauci is an Italian Catholic
So.. A jew?
Is he invested in tinder or something? I don’t understand
It's not hard to get laid as a disgusting ugly rotten subhuman if you have money, and most kikes have money.
And I'm not talking millions or billions. Literally High 5/low 6 figures is literally enough if you have the "chutzpah"
The American ashkenazi has always been a sexual deviant. Every woman in a loving happy relationship is one less woman that the kike can pay to play—thus the more the kike erodes traditional familial values of love and respect, the more the kike can use their wealth and social power to exploit women for their sickest, loveless sexual perversions.
The only way to stop this is to take a wife and have a big loving family of your own. This kills the kike.
This alone should be enough to show anyone this entire thing is fucking gay and overblown. its too dangerous to stand 6 feet away from someone while both wearing masks but not too dangerous to fuck a complete stranger?
>Is he invested in tinder or something? I don’t understand
All globalists are (((invested))) in these products that are owned by jews and destroy the goy (google, facebook, tinder, basically all companies have been snapped up by jews in the last 30 years)
It was a jew coup, and no one noticed. Now trump will stand there andsmile as the country turns permenantely HISPANIC.
They figured out how to get rid of the constitution: let mexicans in. Mexicans will vote against the 1st and 2nd, and open the borders. It turns out 3rd world fuckheads hate freedom because it means responsibility. They hate it. Now we are going to be mexico 2.0 and trump and his jewish family will move to israel or whatever.
This is incredibly based and nobody realizes it. Degenerates are retarded and will now go fuck anybody they can. They're not going to take precautions and will get the virus and end up in the hospital or die. Dr. Fauci is a hero, he will cure the world of degeneracy.
>That absolute unit on top of the tractor
Holy shit, he is like straight out of those chad memes.
Meh, he's average to modern femoids.
If that is "average" then what the fuck kinda people have you been seeing.
I just uninstalled Tinder earlier today. This only made me more happy to have done so.
It's not average but anybody sub8 is invisible to women. He's a 8.5-9 which is average to modern femoids.