>stayed up late watching 9/11 footage again
Stayed up late watching 9/11 footage again
U mad whiteboy?
We were fucking lied to, the world has been an orwellian dystopic newspeak hell hole ever since
lol as if
I made that wojak like 9 years ago
no way it's in circulation still
>lol as if
I did faggot
you did a faggot?
Yea its called your mom faggot
9 elevenths of what?
How come the helicopters didn't save the survivors in those buildings?
Yes, yes, I know.
I've beem depressed over this ever since I realized.
careful youll burn yer nob
does sucking camel cock quench your thirst in the desert shithole you live in?
Every time I watch that collection of footage, I can't help but feel surprised at how my family can't tell the fake shit. Really a plane hitting the steel outer structure and just gets sucked up and absorbed into the side. It is so weird I watch that shit maybe weekly and my family won't even re watch it once.
Are you joking or are you seriously that retarded?
based, at least some of you are alright and get it
my nob is already heated from this shit, sorry
You mad musdlimeboy?
You mean the smoke and flames? They could have used a pole to pass out parachutes. People have base jumped off the WTC and survived.
How the fuck is this bait? Fuck outta here rabblerauser, literally nothing I said was wrong
He wasn’t calling it bait. His image macro said “you are immune to propaganda”
>he's sad for some dead NYC office kikes
lmao cuck
shit, sorry I'm too heated right now
Okay, this is epic.
>spent another acid trip realizing how pozzed society is and that there might not be a fix
Now go watch Ryan Dawson's movie on 911 so that you know who is responsible. Hint: it's Israel.
I was in NYC the day of the attack/false flag. Next thing I knew? I was on the ground in Afghanistan within two weeks.
t. Former 351M/351Z
I can't believe we all just, accepted it, and didn't laugh immediately.
but people were there telling us to take it seriously.
Yea man I did this about 4 days ago
enough said we are of one mind. Take it easy man.
Imagine living here among these brainwashed sheep.
This country has become a fucking open air mental asylum of pathetic cucks.
you need to stop masturbating
lmao you faggots dont understand right? Straight white men cannot be considered "poor" they cannot be victim of "racism". It was stated by strongly diplomated social specialists. whatever happens, straight white men are always the oppressor and they always have it easy. maybe you guys should get on the right side of history and stop judging people on their gender, race and sexual orientation?
ur one of those brown Portugese aren't u
i fucking love that Howard Stern recording from that day, theres not many things that give me chills like that
fuck i hate when the blackpill hits
What did you expect, the plane to bounce off the building?