Racial Identity Is Useless

Regardless of colour, what you do with your own life is what truly matters.

Latching on to the achievements of greater men before you does nothing for your life, going out and actually making something of your life, getting a good career, and white wife is what really matters. This board is a useless cope.

Who is better between:

A redneck white male who lives in a trailer park, and convinces himself that he's part of a master race and doesn't work.


A Black Man who came from a rough neighborhood and made something of himself, getting educated and landing himself a good career and future.

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The white man. 100% I can tell you who I am giving the job to, you ugly non-white abomination.

So you want to get a job?
Why not just print trillions of green paper and buy everything...

Quite the opposite. Being the last tribe standing in a world of brown rootless cattle almost 100% guarantees victory, GG and no restart goyim. Individual achivements are almost entirely meaningless in long term survival strategies.

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Niggers commit more crime than whites

It's not about pride or success it's about loyalty.

Every single group that isn't European disagrees with you and will work solely to advance their interests but ok

You're missing regression to the mean.

The differences between the groups are important. In three generations, the fuck ups of the white redneck are erased as his children regress upwards towards the white mean. Similarly, all the achievements of the black man are disintegrate as his progeny regress downward from his achievement towards their mean.

Those means are different places. In the long term, we know where they stand.

Ok, so you should use your own life to help the white race


Again, you just refuse to make something of yourself and feel the need to latch on to other men's lives, this isn't a good way to live.

It's good to help people though.

>wtf I love being surrounded by non-whites now
shit bait. kys

What on earth are you on about? Jesus christ.

He's talking about the average (mean) characteristics across races

OH now I can't wait to be a minority since you put it that way.

So useless that faggots like you have to coordinate on an international scale to destroy it but just for White people. Fuck off kike

The redneck is always better than the nigger.

I know what he's getting at. But the way he phrased it is completely out of touch with reality. Erased? What?

fair enough, it's clumsy

Niggers and their instant gratification.

I would take the most degenerate white trash and turn around 50% of their life and they'd still outperform any other choice.

>Regardless of colour
If only it was just about colour

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Nignog should be only succesful in his nig nog country.

is this picture of a real human being? (srs)

Successful niggers are only successful because there are people out there lifting them up.
They never actually make it on their own. No one in the world "makes it" on their own. Affirmative action and diversity quotas force people to hire and admit into higher education based on race rather than pure ability.
All niggers are still inferior. Your so called achievements were reached due to your superior competitors being pushed out of the way as a form of reparations to you.

And if you believe you are truly master race and superior then how did you let black people become more successful then you? Black men are only 6.5% of the american population, if you are truly superior you shouldn't have let a single black man make it farther in life then you have, but you did. That just shows laziness on your part, same with the rest of this board latching on to other men for self satisfaction.

muh affirmative action

So you're saying all patterns are irrelevant because there are exceptions to the rule?

You can live by that advice, but I won't.

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Not only sub-saharan people are evil by nature
but their dark skin acts as a camouflage to hide their physical ugliness as well

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I care, because you do.

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Tell it to the people who think I owe them the world because I'm white. If we need to leave racial identity behind, then we ALL need to do it. The problem is, being black or brown is the entirety of their identity, and it always has been and always will be about race with them.

The white guy. Got any more brain busters?

society is a racial construct

Dude...that's even more ugly than the black version. Ugh

>black people
sub-saharan people

>Black men
Sub-saharan men

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It's not laziness but a pure desire to help others that has led us to failure. Something that your lower mind cannot comprehend.
We should have known better than to think that you animals were human.

WTF are you talking about you dumb chink.

>white is just a race and not culture
>people are concerned with black success and not their unwillingness to address the bottom like whites do
you don't have anything to contribute besides repeating the same dishonest strawman wrapped in faux enlightenment. fucking kys.

Lmfao stfu leaf. Typical trash can post.
>b-but what if you had to pick Thomas sowell or a redneck junky as your friend durr hurr which would u like better hurr durr
Man. What a great argument. Totally changed my mind. Never heard that before. Big think. ffs Jesus christ

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Sub-saharan people hide their roots behind the term "black people" and in the same time their dark skin acts as a camouflage (which hides their true ugly physical appearance)

I wish all sub-saharan people to have a "white skin" because then it would be impossible for them to hide cowardly behind the deceiving term "black" instead of sub-saharan

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