AMERICA love thread

Post all things american.

Praise be to the greatest and only superpower on the planet.

God bless America

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So is Texas any good these days, or did Californian expats ruin it?

It's hanging in there

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Based and redpilled


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really though, why are these two states so different? They both have their American revolutionary character with hispanic influences. Why is one a conservative stronghold and the other a progressive hub, any history buff here with more info on their fundamental differences?

Jose can you see
By Dawn's early night
So proudly beheld
At the Twilight's last screening
Whos Broadway lights and Bright Stars
Were so gallantly singing
And the Rockettes red hair
The bombs bursting in air
Gave proof to the light
That a fag was still there
Jose does that Star Spangler banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free
And the home of the Braves!


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I absolutely love that you spontaneously cut funding to WHO, what a fucking power move.


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2/2 inb4
I must be face blind

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Swing that hammer faggots

arr rook same

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>tfw live in 49% white country
feels good

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>Operation Mockingbird
>Only cities are blue with massive populations.
Votes of entire state dependent on what metropolitan areas want.
>Beaner gangs birth late 70s/ early 80s
>1965 Immigration Act

Mainly Pedowood user. It generates massive wealth and brainwashes the world over.

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Opinion disregarded
>pic related page1-page254

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Forgot pic

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your country is less than half white

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You had NOTHING your welcome
>pic related

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Oh noooooo

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Goebbels loved America. Pic related.

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American oligarchs loved the Nazis
>When the Remingtons, duPonts, Rockefellers, Mellons, J.P. Morgan, George Herbert Walker, Samuel Bush and Prescott Bush, as well as other representatives of America’s corporate elite decided to overthrow the government of the United States in 1934, they recruited retired Marine General Smedley Butler to lead it.
>The group intended to establish a Fascist regime that would send undesirables, including the unemployed, the Jews and political opponents to concentration and/or extermination camps.
>a tire salesman before becoming one of the biggest Nazi collaborators in US history
>Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.Prescott Bush

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Why the threat from Bibi and Jeb?
>pic related

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Florida supremacy

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The eternal boomer

America in one gif

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>Florida supremacy
See here
>The eternal boomer

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Attached: America's Immigrants Over Time.gif (889x719, 1.94M)

>only superpower
not a superpooper any more
it went the way of Russia, completely
China rules now, CTPP, Africa, central asia, all China's
China loves Trump. Xi can play Trump like a fiddle. He's probably why Trump didn't trust US intel saying how bad this virus was, Xi probably conned the idiot with some "me so chinese me no know virus me eat bat everything okay" BS

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The U.S. geopolitical power makes me want to cum

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