What is your honest actual opinion on Russia and Russians?
>work hard as fuck >great people who for most of the history didnt have great leaders, had potential to achieve a lot more that they did and to have more than they have now >very traditional Orthodox Christian
Like the UK; just another brown nigger cattle "nation" in about 10-15 years. Frozen Jew slave pen. The only thing keeping them relevant, like us, is nukes.
They're not Chinese, therefore they're pretty fucking awesome.
Justin Campbell
I think they should teach Solzhenitsyn and Dostoevsky in American schools.
Jack Anderson
Russian leaders manipulate the public to embrace Bolshevism in the same way American leaders cause us to embrace Vulture Capitalism. It's all shit, everywhere is shit, this thread is shit, and i am a shit for even replying. Russian mommy is cute tho.
Ethan Myers
>tfw no Natalia gf
Hunter Sullivan
They had their collective psyche fundamentally shattered by Communism. Every Russian i have met were either literally addicted to Alcohol so much they can't function with out it or so depressed they're going to kill themselves or end up like the former.
Same can be said of Westerners and Capitalism, but that's neither here nor there.
Jason Carter
Why her pupils are so small ? Isn't it a symptom of brain damage or even drug abuse ?
>Like the UK; just another brown nigger cattle "nation" in about 10-15 years >Like the UK
Quick run down?
Easton Hughes
Because she’s in a bright room you absolute brainlet
Benjamin Price
Thats a man.
David Hughes
I just don't get why Russians can't get along with anyone. Anytime in history when it looks like they're about to be good friends and form an alliance with some other Western power they instead decide to backstab everybody and lose all of their friends. Is the entire nation of Russia autistic?
Tyler Rivera
I wish we could be friends and go hunting together
Matthew Martinez
Great People The whole country has the GDP of Texas and yet the whole world talks about them. They make it work by sheer balls and aggression.
Robert Fisher
KYS. Пидopoк, иди хyй пococи. We are always get attack first or we had to go fight your stupid wars to win, cause you all cuck out to America or too small to fight at all (like Belgium, Netherlands, etc).
Thomas Nelson
>US flag You're welcome for saving your asses in WW2, Ivan. Our supplies and tanks we sent to you saved your nation. I'm sorry you betrayed us afterwards.
Jeremiah Butler
They were headed to a great future but they got jewed (first by Soviets then the kike mafia with Putin, the crypto-jew).
Jeremiah Adams
Yeah, cause otherwise Nips and Germans would come to you after us from Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, so its easier to help us (use as proxies) and not loose your man.
Jose Martinez
Keep licking the Russian boot faggot
Gabriel Watson
Google "miosis", which is small pupils. The cause is not light.
>can't even afford air pods being Ukrainian must be awful
Kevin Campbell
motherfucker just about to make a thread about this.
>boys grow up learning to be absolute badasses >no niggers or muzzies raping beautiful white woman >feminism and faggotry are right the fuck out
meanwhile in america... >boys grow up to be effeminate wusses with daddy issues >niggers everywhere and muzzies pouring in every day >faggotry in full force
what's not to love about russkies
Dylan Rivera
If you're going to run a disinfo. campaign then do it using your own flag.