Brit/pol/ - #YouClapForMeNow Edition
>You Clap for Me Now. A video I made. Please watch and share
Fuck off.
I'm not clapping anymore.

Attached: YouClapForMeNow.jpg (570x438, 40.82K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>somethings come from oversees

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>A Dirty Disease

Attached: A Dirty Disease.png (622x351, 359.54K)

what was that ice cream called, it was like a paper cone with ice cream and a ball of bubble gum at the bottom

Whenever you want

I miss the footy

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get us a quote then ffs

cant be arsed with this typing shite


Attached: 5g boiiiiiii.jpg (615x409, 36.07K)

"Screwball" I think

Reminder that this is all scripted and planned since two weeks.
Who is the 'awesome friend' who produced the poem?
I bet they're not ethnic, well, not that sort of ethnic anyway.

Attached: YouClapForMe Since 2nd April You Racists.png (388x889, 79.42K)

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>Your proud 5G gone

Attached: Fuck Off.png (620x349, 447.29K)

Clap is an STD right?

yeh that's the one, craving that shit

This is unbelievably inglorious and proof how hostile these cunts really are towards the native population.
>we're running the show now
>so shut the fuck up and like it
It's like something that a Yas Forumsak would make as a nightmare vision of the future and then get banned off Twitter for, accused of making racist propaganda.

Geordie boys we are here, shag your lass drink your beer

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will you tell us more about how you and Bea built such a strong love? you must've created some amazing memories together

I understand, thanks
What is a quote?

At least she is right

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Over the next 5 years In the UK at least the realization that it's over will begin to cripple the indigenous population and I imagine the "fast collapse" phase after the "slow decline" will begin as the reality of the Office of National Statistics demographic data begins to filter down to the masses post 2021 as they realize the native collapse at 1-2% per YEAR.

For example by 2030 ~50% of all newborns, 45% of school children , 30% of the electorate and 162 seats in parliament will be invaders.

I imagine this will be the final decline phase and as the "tipping point" is hit in the 2030s the Jew will fully unleash the brown hordes starting with brown "points based migration" post 2019 election (fake conservatives ''victory' ) and "climate refugees" punching into the last indigenous enclaves in the nation.

Within 7 years the majority of the youth and newborn will be invaders in the UK and most of the political class street shitters and ghouls. We're like the few remaining latins whittering on about the "glory of Rome" and post old banners of republican legions in our backwater forums meanwhile all manner of disgusting barbarians overuns every single major civic space in the empire because "it's the cvrrent year, 476 ad!"

...It's done.

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Made this OC lads.

Attached: ClappyClapClap.jpg (1920x912, 219.81K)


>Not some foreign invader, blud

Attached: Some Foreign Invader.png (621x351, 435.85K)

Oh I get it.
What is your favourite?

I like it

Attached: boris1.jpg (753x675, 101.25K)

california and portofino are probably the only ones i could afford t b h, you're not hot enough for me to spending 488 spider money

All right lads
I'm going to have some absolutely free time for 4 days.
No work, no flat mates, no gf (obviously), no obligation, no need to go out for food or anything.
I feel I need to get a project going.

make norf memes


Giving up

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you can get them from icelan

Spam Twitter with anti-Clappening memes.

You never know Dee Dee
What about old cars, do you like them?


Attached: bloody bastid buggerin bishes.jpg (1094x609, 149.78K)

best answer to be honest

will probably do this one too
finishing up a project tomorrow and to celebrate I am planning to get pissed in my flat on my own

i always know

yeah sure

Have you clapped for the NHS?

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Still a majority guys, hahaha what a joke. Link below.

IP banned for Twitter due to high levels of basedness.
>they really didn't like my false flagging liberal account
>a brief suspension suddenly got upgraded to an IP ban

I suppose figuring out how to get around that would be a good use of my time.
I've missed being able to send normies in to fits of rage on that platform these past 2 years.

Nice edit lad, 10/10 in Pakishopland.

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The fact that she is catholic is so wholesome lads :)

Just unplug your router, wait twenty seconds and then plug it back in.
Thank you for your service though.

thats going to take an awful lot of fucking,

How can we meme this video into oblivion?

I just want Boris Bucks, the damn colonials memeing about their 1200 is annoying