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Based ancient Egypt
Samuel Morgan
Tyler Robinson
Egyptians were BLACK.
Aaron Martinez
Ryan Garcia
Jaxson Phillips
The noses were all caucasoid. Seethe boy.
Cameron Ortiz
Xavier Phillips
Austin Walker
inb4 the leaf behind a BLM memeflag spams a bunch of sh-
Brandon Evans
Gavin King
keep dreaming memeflag maybe one day you can LARP in your jewish fantasy
David Lee
ancient wisdom
Justin Jones
Wyatt Garcia
Carson Thomas
Blake Bennett
So it looks like a black woman after Arabs shot its nose off?
Luke White
Ryan Williams
Jayden Robinson
I always laughed at how they depicted them, they clearly disliked them look at the mouth
Looks like Jim Crow was a joke compared to the Egyptians
Camden Rivera
absolutely based ramessess ii
Sebastian Lewis
Look at that, that's fucking savage
Zachary Morales
Egypt truly cannot be explained without ayys. How could they possibly be so based?
Henry Scott
>Egyptians were BLACK.
Obama is a nigger
Justin Bennett
>Egypt truly cannot be explained without ayys.
Pathetic gnostic kabbalah kike. Why do kikes and their gollum hate history?
Andrew Lopez
egyptians were based.
Killed nigs and enslaved jews
Jackson Green
Weird how shitskins always destroy the nose
Isaac Reed
Carter Price
Weird how shitskins color obvious white people dark
David Martin
>Still believe this gay world isn't a simulation
It's time to wake up.
Jackson Nguyen
Matthew Lopez
Too good
Anthony King
Candlejack got your ton-
Carter Wilson
>be me
>Make Egyptian documentaries about our heritage
>Bunch of feral pavement baboons appear in the comment section
>We wuz Kangz!
>One of them is a coon with a PhD who has a channel with also million plus followers who spouts fake shit about nignog being the real Egyptians
>Invite him for a debate
>He bites the b8
>Come to Cairo
>2000+ attendees mostly Egyptologist and scholars
>A small pack of porch monkeys he brought with him to howl for his points
>He starts the conversation with "we Afrikans are the real Egyptians"
>Whole lecture hall burst into laughter
>He ate shit at every point in the 2hrs debate
>Leaves butthurt and howls on twitter
>We raid him also there
>He closes his twitter account
>YouTube channel last uploaded 1 year ago
Shit was so cash
I wonder what this ape is doing now
Julian Cruz
The salves most certainly were.
Logan Jackson
99% of pharaohs had Caucasian facial features.
Noah Nelson
Gabriel Jackson
Camden Fisher
It's just absolutely crazy to me. Supposedly one of the first large scale civilizations and yet they had a deep understanding of how to run a country. European kings never reached that level.