Based ancient Egypt

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Egyptians were BLACK.

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The noses were all caucasoid. Seethe boy.

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inb4 the leaf behind a BLM memeflag spams a bunch of sh-

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keep dreaming memeflag maybe one day you can LARP in your jewish fantasy

ancient wisdom

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So it looks like a black woman after Arabs shot its nose off?

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I always laughed at how they depicted them, they clearly disliked them look at the mouth

Looks like Jim Crow was a joke compared to the Egyptians

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absolutely based ramessess ii

Look at that, that's fucking savage

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Egypt truly cannot be explained without ayys. How could they possibly be so based?

>Egyptians were BLACK.
Obama is a nigger

Attached: egypt not niggers.jpg (1917x1076, 261.78K)

>Egypt truly cannot be explained without ayys.
Pathetic gnostic kabbalah kike. Why do kikes and their gollum hate history?

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egyptians were based.

Killed nigs and enslaved jews

Weird how shitskins always destroy the nose

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Weird how shitskins color obvious white people dark

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>Still believe this gay world isn't a simulation
It's time to wake up.


Too good

Candlejack got your ton-

>be me
>Make Egyptian documentaries about our heritage
>Bunch of feral pavement baboons appear in the comment section
>We wuz Kangz!
>One of them is a coon with a PhD who has a channel with also million plus followers who spouts fake shit about nignog being the real Egyptians
>Invite him for a debate
>He bites the b8
>Come to Cairo
>2000+ attendees mostly Egyptologist and scholars
>A small pack of porch monkeys he brought with him to howl for his points
>He starts the conversation with "we Afrikans are the real Egyptians"
>Whole lecture hall burst into laughter
>He ate shit at every point in the 2hrs debate
>Leaves butthurt and howls on twitter
>We raid him also there
>He closes his twitter account
>YouTube channel last uploaded 1 year ago
Shit was so cash
I wonder what this ape is doing now

The salves most certainly were.

99% of pharaohs had Caucasian facial features.

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Attached: Egyptian conquest of niggers.jpg (1920x675, 460.93K)

It's just absolutely crazy to me. Supposedly one of the first large scale civilizations and yet they had a deep understanding of how to run a country. European kings never reached that level.