All hail God emperor Trump. I dont even know what I'll be buying
Got my trumpbux
pay bills faggot
nice mug redditor
Time to get a whore and lose that virginity.
I dont use reddit faggot
i went to the bank to check (didnt get it) and i saw dozens of people fucking driving around with their windows up wearing these fucking masks
what a bunch of caved head fucking morons
if you feel generous and willing to help a fellow venezuelan in huge need, i would appreciate it
paypal [email protected]
please, send anything you want, i'm not asking for a specific amount of money because anything would actually help me a lot, considering i don't have any money left and food is running out quickly.
wow yeah dude let me just send you what $50?
is $50 enough?
I just like larping as Bane
Prove to me you ain’t a VPN nigger.
Not sending you shit faggot. Should've been born in the U.S
hope my passport is enough, tell me if there's anything else i can do for you
that's okay.
I bought some beef jerky and a butt plug.
>fellow venezuelan
I've never met an honest Venezuelan in my life. You might be different because you're here. But seriously, fuck you 84 IQ sub-humans.
Hopefully a haircut, a shave, and a gym membership once this is calms down a bit.
Post Facebook for 4 US dollars.
>still hasn't started indoor farming
COME ON man are you even trying anymore
My dad is adding more dead animals to his fursuit.
I am 6'4 250 pounds of pure muscle. I can guarantee I am stronger than you
>tfw when $120k+ salary
>tfw $25k in the bank
>tfw just got an additional $5k tax refund
>tfw just graduated in 2020 so still got $1,200 trump check
>tfw when DCA'ing all of it into ETFs
>tfw get to work from luxury apartment for the foreseeable future
This coronavirus has been nothing but great for me. It must suck to be poor.
You look like you could use a sex doll.
I bet sales of these are going to skyrocket
post a pic outside ur window and i will send u 1$USD no problem
That's actually an old pic here's a new one.
looks like fat to me
and clean your mirror you dirty jew
Holy shit, no joke but I feel sorry for you. 20 Brazilian Reais is 460833$ Bolivars.
Damn, I may hate refugees but we need Venezuelans, they're great people.
hahahha eat shit monkey
please lose some weight your making us look bad if your a WN
sam hyde is that you? clean the mirror you fucking animal
thank you a lot user
I'll clean my mirror once you can outlift me
omg you are so hot, esp. with all those toothbrushes..mmm..
>8 toothbrushes
>size of a hippo
The amount of crap food this family consumes in a day could feed Europe for a year.
Get a gym membership. A haircut. Contact lenses. A razor. Clothes that dont make you look like a teenager. Use this as an opportunity to sort yourself out while you are young.
all eight of those toothbrushes are for me. I take my dental very seriously now fuck off faggot
You seem nice
I'm the boss of the gym and the strongest person in there normally. Everyone cowers before me. Anyways its fucking closed retard
I haven't had a job in two months so I doubt I'll qualify
i dont use fb, its gay as fuck but i do have an account
indoor farming inside an aparment doesnt work but i accept suggestions
kek you can tell he's doing the soiface even under the mask
I could crush you like bug nigger
try me bitch. its mogg season.
I meant to lose weight you fat bastard. Why did you post that stupid s o y image and ask us how to spend the money if you aren't going to follow any of the advice we give?
quarantine is the new summer this year
you faggot redditor trumpfaggots deserve the gas at this point.
post lifts
I did follow the advice mohammed. You told me to get a gym membership and I told you I already do.
Why does the average poltard look like a basement dweller
You came through.