Greta Thunberg will be 18 years old next year. What will be the next steps in her career as a world leader in climate change?
Greta Thunberg will be 18 years old next year...
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>Greta Thunberg will be 18 years old next year. What will be the next steps in her career as a world leader in climate change?
Holy fuck, I want to know who will be her first conquest of choice and why it will be Leo. He's a very smooth man and has her fully prepped.
Has to do at least one stand, with me, for social outreach here in the Med.
omg is that really greta?
Tits look to big to be hers. Which Yas Forumsack will be able to impregnate her first?
>is that really illegal porn of someone it looks nothing like
why are pedos so stupid
post more ass in field with pig tails you wont
autistic swedish porn star for the bbc section
so you can see her being rekked by jeriome
brain dead retard pedo kys
I really have this hitler girl fetish.
My names Earnest
When she starts dating an Earnest youll know its me
Want to give me sauce for that wheat field full frontal?
Programmed to kill:
-The greenbaum speech:
-The finders cult:
-Dutroux (Wikileaks):
probably more yacht rides that cause more pollution than any of the regular people she preaches to cause in a year
and then fading into obscurity because autistic adult < autistic child on the pity scale
I wanna pull her hair.
Next year.
would you?
greta is love
It is going to be a Somalian.
depends, how many kilometers of cock on the counter?
Her face looks like a pancake, but I love her mosquito bites. Talk about an upside to being developmentally stunted.
excellent poetry
Isnt she vegan?
Wait what the fuck I thought she was a big deal cause she was 13 or something
People have been following the words of a 17 year old and calling her “brave”???
An onlyfans where you pledge carbon credits instead of dollars
Ok but tell me if coffee if good for me bro
She's past her shelf life. You'll never hear about her anymore.
It’s Gerta
Yes user, follow your dreams
considering she has .00001% of coverage she used to have, soon.
We must all get behind Greta.
And when she penis giggles??
The VERY OBVIOUS tits on that sloot totally break any Greta immersion.