Scientists say we have to keep being isolated untill 2024 at least

>Even in the event of apparent elimination, SARS-CoV-2 surveillance should be maintained since a resurgence in contagion could be possible as late as 2024
that's not looking good bois. not at all. so we have to suffer for boomers?

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Other urls found in this thread:,_1235_pages,_2005

Fuck these assholes. People will die from starvation



NEETs report right in, what is your status
Are you gonna survive the social isolation my lads?

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28 years strong

I barely ever leave my room, nothing has changed for me

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-16 Projecting the transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 through the postpandemic period.png (710x666, 89.24K)

All I do is work and sit at home. My life honestly improved.

but I planned to travel this summer, damn virus Im gonna rip your ass

Attached: .....gif (250x161, 439.9K)

Wait, wut? You been neet for 28 years?

this, I am saving a fuck load on gas

I thought this would last about three months?

Why not 2040?

Programmed to kill:
-The greenbaum speech:
-The finders cult:
-Dutroux (Wikileaks):,_1235_pages,_2005

Oh man i hope so. The last 2 months have been the best time of my life. I wish this state of peace and relaxation would last forever.

yeah but the world's ecomonics is going to fucking die then. well I don't mind to go full stalker mode (damn I have a huge list whom to rape and kill) but.

I used to ride my bike to the store to buy a sipp once a month just because I could, aside from that nothing changed. I've been living in social isolation for years already.

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Out of an abundance of caution, parents should not touch or hug their children until 2027, at which time we will evaluate the policy.

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This is begining to look like the aging dying old globalists attempting to ram their agenda 31 shit through before they die.

They must be incrediably impatient to be rushing it like this. I hope people wake up and realize what is happening. It isnt really that hard to understand. The Agenda 21/31 stuff sounds crazy, and I thought it was so strident that it could never happen on a reasonable time frame, but here we are.

Forcing us to stay inside for 4 years while developing countries catchup, hispanics outbreed whites and overtake our numbers in usa, etc..

This is seriously the globalists wet dream. We are about to simply be made irrelevant to the (((new global economy))) of immigrants, jews, civil servants and celebrities.

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If we can save just one life from the Chinese AIDS its worth it.

>Out of an abundance of caution, parents should not touch or hug their children until 2027, at which time we will evaluate the policy.
Fucking random whores is legit tho!

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I was born for this. Let the good times roll.


fuck yeah! 4 years off work

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I was isolated in my apartment for weeks (Abitur sucks ass) before the virus even entered the country, or got media attention. I first and at first only heard of it on 4chinz, KEK.

I am staying PURE.

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Attached: yes.gif (250x250, 974.48K)

New normal = New World Order. Think that shit was just a meme?

>2020 goy
>oy vey 2022
>remeber 2024 gentle
>it's annada shoal 2026
>dont foget 2028
>just never leave home golem


based 1488 di gits but this makes no sence anyway.

Yeah theres a few typos. I need to go too bed...

no, I mean the kikes not profit when the goyim are put into quarantine.

Yeah well, you break some eggs and so on. Im willing to take the gamble that everything goes to shit in exchange for a better, free-er life.

I saw a video the other day that a statistician couldn't find any change in death around the world. Does anybody have a link or more information? I forgot to save it.

>free-er life
are you sure about that? really? it's whole thing is an excuse to make us more controllable.

how so?

This will be used to usher in the police state they have always wanted. After this virus goes away there will be another one, and then another one and then another one. The fema camps are your own house.

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How will they indoctrinate the zoomers if they're being homeschooled?

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evil fucker right there

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It wont matter. USA will be hispanic within 5 years, and hispanics will vote a pure globohomo-ticket.

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In many ways that is true. But control is for nothing and cannot be coordinated if the structures and institutions lie in smoking ruins. A total economic crash will make all such conspiracies null and void.

And if it doesn't, i will take up ecological terrorism.

>Scientists say we have to keep being isolated untill 2202 at leas024 at leas

every time I read this is a bigger year
I feel really bad for people that struggle with relationships, this is the final nail for them

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I won't starve, city slicker.

That's kind of the point.