Why white liberals have a higher IQ?
it is always so god damn sad to see little kids having to yell at their parents not to be such fucking retards
Bringing your kids to commit numerous crimes including criminal trespass, theft and in some states, burglary, is a smart thing to do in leaf land?
white liberals are even worse than white leftists and white conservatives. they can jump in the oven in that order
This is good for the kid to see. All true Americans should take their kids with them when they take down symbols of Fascism. #VoteBlue
>Stand your ground and castle doctrine laws in my state
>Would shoot this man for trespass and face zero consequences
God Bless the USA
I don't know OP, why do white liberals have a higher IQ than black liberals?
Republicans say the same thing. The whole "X has a higher IQ" is a shit childish attempt to gain an arbitrary "advantage: over your opponent
Id shoot the kid after spunking in his tight little soft perfect asshole. They gotta learn somehow
its Snežana, means snow white
They have only slightly higher IQs than conservatives by about 1 point or so that is not g-loaded.
>Why white liberals have a higher IQ?
Jews. They outweigh the sheer stupidity of a white gentile liberal, but only just barely.
>means snow white
means snowy, there is no white there
Probably trying to get good boy points or whatever the fuck it's called when these husbands have point charts on the fridge like some 7 year old.
We build the world. We created everything. You cuckservatives want to conserve what we created.
Didn't realized we acquired FLORIDA.
>It's good to steal infront of your children
You're a commie aren't you?
You're fucking stupid
you bloody retard, the op implied its high iq
Their sons should be taken by CPS and given to faggots.
Read his post
Read mine.
Kill yourself faggot.
Wow you're actually dumb
No one said it happened in Canada, he was asking if stealing infront of your kids is smart in Canada, because he implied it is in America
you must be a shitskin or a female
>situation happened in florida
>leaf op said its high iq
>burger asked is it considered high iq in leafland
>you are retarded
Haha I didnt read OPs question and upon that consideration I'll see myself out.
I'd love to be a burger, just so I can point a gun and if im feeling in the mood, kill someone merely for stepping onto my property.
I wouldn't gun that guy down for stealing my flag, but I'd show his kids what kind of a man their father is.
Their children appear to have a higher IQ then them in this situation.
This man has every right to remove such a violent hate symbol being constantly broadcast to not only his young, impressionable children but to everyone in the community who currently suffers under the bigoted Trump regime.
Powerful. The medical community are the real heroes during these tough times.
Based parents sticking it to the fascists. Shame they got caught.
Great larp
>anyone who dares question the G-d Emperor is shilling or LARPing
Grow up.