Dear Europeans

If I am not white then what race am I? What other race has green eyes?

Attached: 20200415_184736.jpg (2560x1920, 1.19M)

Your race is ugly and poor.


>gas station
You are prob an Afghan.

U a little kike me frend

user... I

Attached: main-qimg-e4d84230d24c8efc237d03b4828d1bd0.jpg (500x625, 53.89K)

Is that even a real picture? I doubt it.

Says the rich guy who couldn't even get laid without bribing women.

you are not european. get a dna test

I dont think any user is retarted enough to post his own picture here.

Nick? Is that you?

I don't care. stay off of my property

No yanktard is White, they all have nigger and beaner blood mixed in. You lived around them for centuries retards. Imagine them believing they’re still White lmao

You have a grey complexion like most euro spaniards.


You're a fucking idiot. My mom had a dna test and my paternal grandparents did. They were all 100% European and fyi i am probably more German than you Russian rapebaby. My last name is Felgemacher.

>I’m more German than you

LOL. I thought you were a fellow ancient Aryan. Pukhtun bimbo in Dago.


Aryans in Europe came from India and lost their pigment.

El Goblino Dos Monstruo...

you are a fucking argentinian mystery meat mestizo.

dude you are at least 30% oblivion character editor

Dude shave

you have distinct Ethiopian features, you may be a somewhat light skinned subsaharan african

Lmao you're just ugly breau. But hey, atleast you're white?

poo in the loo hypothesis

All of you are retarded, but the Dravidoids are a different race more closely related to the Melanoids of Australia/Papua, the Andamanoids of the Andaman Islands and the Ainu of Hokkaido than they are to Caucasoids. Any similarities are coincidental, like dogs and wolves and other wolves.

In particular the language of Harappa isn't translate, but the words we do know are clearly not of Indo-European origin.

>"dude you are at least 30% oblivion character editor"

Attached: 1586596970662.png (762x988, 853.34K)

this, kinda looks like oblivion guard

Oh so is this what pure "superior" white people do?
Make corny video game references?

I see some nigger and chink in you, ngl bro i'd be worried if i was you

m8 you look jewish or octaroon with that weird nose of yours and green eyes has nothing to do with being white but of course americlaps are too dumb to think.

Out of India theory aka Indigenous Aryans hypothesis.
European Aryans migrated from India

Dude just take a dna test to sate your worries and show it to people if they ever doubt your race if you are 100% white, but I kind of doubt it. You’re probably 75% at best and no Italian is not white

>What other race has green eyes?

Jews are white.

Nice try rabbi.

t. chaldean

Both sides of my family were tested. My mom was tested and my dad's parents were tested. That's 100% of my genome and all of them are 100% European. You're a fucking idiot and you probably have brown eyes like a nigger. I have dynamic IP that's why my ID changed.

>If I am not white then what race am I?

Your race is Amerimutt.

Yas Forums is wrong to say that spics are taking over the US.

No, its Amerimutts who will be the future of the US.

>rampant insecurity
>dubious, unproven claims
well even without pic you post like subhuman

Invent videogames and the United States and the internet so useless pajeets can move out of Pooland and post stupid theories about how U WUZ KANGZ.