So I'm curious about Yas Forums's opinion on my family situation

So I'm curious about Yas Forums's opinion on my family situation.

I'm 30 years old and my girlfriend who I've been with for about 2 years is 44 years old. Shes absolutely gorgeous and is a 5'9 tall hot as blonde with blue eyes and treats me like a fucking king. She's not brainwashed by modern bullshit and listens to my redpills and understands where I'm coming from. We are very much in love.

She has a 15 year old daughter who's a lazy weebo but we get along great. Her biological dad is a dead beat totally.

Me and this woman have tried to have a kid twice but shes had early miscarriages on both tires (1 to 2 months in) and it hurts us. I'm scared she might be in early menopause or perhaps we dont take care of ourselves enough to keep the fetus healthy enough to grow (beer drinking, bad diets)

I want to have my own kids especially with this woman that I love but I'm afraid she wont be able too. Isnt 44 a little too early for menopause? Is being with a woman 14 years older a bad thing? Just curious what you think? U assholes crack me up

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Just give her up to the BBC if you are unable to impregnate her. This problem is common among white men so you are not alone.

Make a threesome with her daughter.

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She hates niggers, part of the reason I love her. Plus I bust big ass nuts in her, I'm horny as a jack rabbit everyday

I’ve dated older. Not as satisfying sexually, but much better social skills, less drama, and not leaning on you for $$$.

Whatever works

Was waiting for this answer paco

:( god damnit bro

Shes the best sex I've ever had, not afraid to get kinky too, and you're totally right about the other stuff.

Plus they dress well and do there make up better than woman my age

>I'm 30 years old and my girlfriend who I've been with for about 2 years is 44 years old.

even if you manage to get her pregnant i guarantee you that you're going to end up with one of pic related or worse.

tell your 44 yo gf to consider an open relationship and breed with a much younger women you brainlet

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Yeah we are scared of that too, I'm in a mental battle choosing between children and a perfect wife.

>open relationship
We are both super territorial over each other, though we almost had a threesome with another chick

>perhaps we dont take care of ourselves enough to keep the fetus healthy enough to grow (beer drinking, bad diets)

Is she drinking beer while pregnant?

Maybe a couple here and there during the first month, but she was unaware that she was pregnant at the time.

Drinking beer during the first month while being unaware shouldn't effect the pregnancy like that but then again shes 44

>I'm in a mental battle choosing between children and a perfect wife.

im going to give it to you straight. you cant pull off having both via having an open relationship because you are a BETA male. if you were a true alpha fuck that if you were a real man you would get everything that YOU wanted. you clearly dont want a kid bad enough because if you did you would do exactly what i told you or you would of pulled it off another way while keeping your 44 yo roastie

honestly why the fuck are you even wasting your time with a roastie that already has a child? are you stupid

Tell her she is too old to have children. She is 44 if she throws a tantrum then she is a pathetic woman. Tell her the only way you two can have kids is if they find a donor egg, fertilize it with your own sperm.
The fact you came to Yas Forums before going this avenue is not good, user. Not good...

Because I want to have a child with a good mother who I actually love not some random whore. Suppose I could get an egg donor though. What kind of family life do you have fag?

>I want to have my own kids
>She has a 15 year old daughter
I've got a solution. Take the eggs from the daughter when she's 18 and put the fertilized ones in the mom.

She knows she's too old and has said this herself, we have also of course thought of getting a donor.

I'm only asking Yas Forums for a good laugh. I just got off of work and am having a drink.

Damn that's actually a good idea.

She looks like her mum too

im convinced you have severly low iq
>in a relationship with a 44 yo roastie
>roastie already has a child that was born when you just started high school
>automatic beta cuck for being with a women that already has a child of her own
>tried having kids with 44 yo roastie and after several failures he still doesnt realize that the universe is literally trying to tell him that this isnt going to be happening any time soon
>thinks that used up goods with a shitty 15 yo kid made from poor life decisions = a good mother

you deserve death for your retardation

>gf 44

Dump her post haste


Yeah I felt pretty beta falling for a single mom at first but she at least admits her mistakes and raised that girl by herself, now I'm a father to the girl and she wants to take my last name. I've also taught her to drive and get a job. What have you done for our abandoned white youth user? Are you even white?


If you don't have at least three kids, you lose the game of life, so not having kids is totally out of the question. That puts the question to your girlfriend: Does she love and worship you enough to stick around as you start a family with a new, young wife? Will she be like a grandmother to your children? If not, she must go. If you can't find a new, young wife to accept the baggage that is your girlfriend, your girlfriend must go. That last part suggests impregnating your girlfriend's daughter once she is of age is the easiest way to keep the old woman around. You have up to three years to persuade both of them. If you aren't married to the daughter in three years and working on a baby, cut them both loose and have your first child born of someone else by age 35. Keep in mind at all times that women are property and if what you're doing is good for them, what you're doing is good whether they're rational and intelligent enough to like it or not. #WhiteSamsonOption

There is a simple solution. Just sail your aircraft carrier through a black hole in the Pacific Ocean. You'll travel back in time to WW2. They may expect you to fight, though.

>44 years old.
>absolutely gorgeous

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Cant nigger shits perfect, my exes all were entitled feminist new age bitches.

I may have an older woman and she made a mistake in her younger days having a daughter with some fag but she grew up in a degenerate yankee city in her youth and everything that she is now has made up for it

you need a mental evaluation. what part of having children with a 44 year old used up roastie is a bad idea dont you understand? if you really cared about white people you would find a young actually fertile women and you would breed her.

you're trying to be the savior for these two losers without realizing that the amount of effort that you're putting in wont pay out in the end.

Rail that bitch in the ass until she pukes
then go for 22 year olds you absolute grannyfucking retard

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You are too shitty to leave offspring on this planet. Stop with this freaky horror movie plot.

>I'm 30 years old and my girlfriend who I've been with for about 2 years is 44 years old.

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Just cut out the middle man and fuck the daughter.

About a 2% chance of conceiving successfully past 40.
That womb is dry and dusty.