Are there any ethical ways to vastly reduce the population of humanity, before everyone is living in pods and hives?

Are there any ethical ways to vastly reduce the population of humanity, before everyone is living in pods and hives?

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Put a condom on.

People with higher education have less kids.

Build sky high walls around Europe after having expelled every single non european, the kikes and after the genocide of all the leftist traitors, then prosper and watch the world outside burn and die of starvation while the white man lives just like God intended.

Make a bioweapon that kills the elderly and people with respiratory problems.

Over population is not a problem. The population will peak in the 2040s or 2050s and then start rapidly declining everywhere on earth.

If you're too lazy to go and look up the studies then watch "Demographic Winter". It's on jewtube.

Just stop sending aid to Africa and the problem will sort itself out.

Don't worry, Bill Gates is on it as we speak.

stop feeding the nogs


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>Over population is not a problem
When goycattle live in conditions like this, yes it is. Just because we CAN, in theory, build more megacities and fill them full of miserable drones, doesn't mean we should. 1 billion was too many, let alone 8 billion and beyond.

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You don't understand. The world is not overpopulated now and it never will be. Due to low fertility rates the Earth's population will peak in the next few decades and then start rapidly declining everywhere. This is a non issue.


i've fucked plenty of women and condoms are very effective.

that depends on your personal "ethics"
gassing the kikes, nuking china, india, the middle east, and deporting niggers to africa and nuke them afterwards sure seems like an ethical, quick way to reduce overpoplation

Checked and it really is that easy sometimes.

Kill all nonwhites?

Demographic winter...literally everyone in that is a Jew...I trust it.

Too bad subhumans don't put a condom on their dicks.

Yeah, let mother nature handle it. Shes pretty efficent.

Improve education and promote the ideal model of a smaller family. Some social programs focus on smaller families and how they live better.

Foreign aid contigent on allowing 3rd worlders access to birth control

So much for the whole ethical part then.

end welfare

>Be billionaire
>Build doomsday bunker
>Build mansion with pressure sensitive flooring (Why would anyone ever need that)
>Have yacht
>Jet set all over the place in private jet
>Claim people earning 40k a year are using too many resources

The problems is the dark triad/cluster b(illionaire) types spreading their malthusian nonsense which their actions prove they themselves don't believe in.

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The West caused this pandemic by being charitable to the third world. We saved too many lives and fed too many of the hungry and ended too many diseases. Now the third world has no natural mechanism to maintain the population at a sustainable level. Only way back to normal is a total systemic collapse in the third world. Once they hit max population capacity things are going to get very ugly and be completely out of our control.

>living in hive cities

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Redpill me on pressure sensitive floors

>types spreading their malthusian nonsense which their actions prove they themselves don't believe in
More people seem to be waking up to the malfeasance and spite of these would-be demagogues. Exciting times.

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When you look at it on a macroscopic population level. Humans might as well be ants or any other animals that lives in groups. If you make more food available to an ant colony, then it will grow. Same thing happens with humans. The population only decreases in some areas because of the mouse utopia problems.

Yep. High IQ. Red pill.

Clearly the only answer.

How about not reducing, but going out instead? Solve the problems created, instead of murdering those who could solve the problems?
For all the energy you spend plotting murder, you could be learning calculus?
Or can't you do calculus?
Are you the weak link and just don't want to get spotted?

Mind your own fucking business

Sterilize criminals

Get a room you muppets. Sick of you cunts making light of what is going on. If you're that stupid, finish my sentence

Seriously retarded.

People will stop having kids when they realize what a shithole theyre raising those kids into

The rest will get sterilized by deception