Seeing as her reaction to the protests were literally "Ohhh sweetie, now it'll just have to go longer!" I don't think that crazy bitch is going to stop unless someone makes her stop.
The report on it was on Dobbs yesterday The University of Texas is somehow involved as well Basically the Wuhan lab was partially funded by UT, and the lab was asking for more money for PPE because that scientist who works with bats (who still hasn’t been seen since) was working on gain of function mutations to make human spread easier
>Chad Livengood I gotta admit, that is a pretty cool name.
Jordan Moore
Daily reminder Q is a psy-op For all "Q"s God talk & Bible quotes, Q has never once mentioned Jesus. We're instructed by scripture to test the spirits.
“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.”
“Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:”
The US should leave the WTO and defund the UN. Both organizations have been screwing over the US for far too long.
When the UN puts China and Saudi Arabia on the "Human Rights Counsel" that is the time to pull out of the UN since it's a joke like how the League of Nations was a joke back in the day.
Trump already is defunding WHO, they are whining about it.
Nathaniel Hernandez
Trump's entire push towards shutting down govs and telling them he'll not help if they decide to continue the shutdown when it's not needed is daring her to fuck things up. If she gives in her career is over, if she doesn't maybe Molestin' Joe picks her. It's going to hurt very bad for Michiganiacs, but sometimes you have to take a hit for the team
We should DISBAND the UN. Revoke all their visas, seize the land in New York, and expel them. It no longer serves us any purpose to give third world shitskins a voice in anything.
Liam Reed
Open up the economy or we "open up" your fortress Whitmer
If the Coronavirus turns out to be an escaped Chinese science project, Trump defeats Joe "They're Not Bad Folks, Folks" Biden in an absolutely historic landslide in November.
agree. also, I think iran is noticing this too because they're ramping up their attacks on saudi arabia to get one of those oil pipelines and hold them hostage. The people there support iran too due to sunni/shia division so it's not like iran is doing a bad thing. they are also provoking US because US protects those oil fields because they're desperate at this point and the tariffs are bringing them to their knees. These are all desperate ploys by countries getting hit with US tariffs. I think Trump has trust in US army/navy because he's not taking his foot off their necks and waiting for them to go desperate so once they lash out, he can squash them citing they were the first to kick it off.
The un is a tool of diplomacy that is not to be discarded. And the virus does not care whether a country is democratic or not. Withdrawlimg funds from WHO was a mistake, and we are not making any friends by showing our ass.
The DNC is nervous. If Trump starts to defund all these pointless global organizations, people might realize that these organizations have been hostile to America for the past 30+ years
Jayden Thompson
Good, it is a good time for Trump. He is somehow benefiting from both sides of the Cornavirus stuff
>trump can't overrule govs never thought I'd live the see liberals become states rights advocates after the Obama years I guess whatever is convenient to their narrative