Be a dimwitted retarded vagina

>be a dimwitted retarded vagina
>too stupid to go to medical school and become a doctor
>become a useless shit cleaning nurse
>make 100k a year
>corona-chan happens
>get an extra $14 an hour from drumpf
>get an extra $1000-$2000 a month from gooberment
>get an extra extra $125-$250 a week from state gooberment
>just to dance to tik-tok videos

Attached: Untitled-1.png (1050x591, 796.61K)

>be incel loser
>spend teens and early 20s on Yas Forums
>do nothing to set yourself up with a secure and high paying job
>economic crisis happens
>see people who made good decisions in life benefit
>get angry
>begin to seethe
>remember that you have never had sex in your entire life
>blame everyone else and pretend you're not the problem in this world


stfu faggot op

I'm happily married and earned enough money that I didn't get Trump bucks. I'm almost thirty. I still hate nurses.

Watch the seethe flow.

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post wife tits or gtfo

So why are you here?

Attached: Heres your (You) now fuck off.gif (500x341, 1.03M)

So his opinions would be valid if he had proof of intercourse? How about if op or similarly opinionated persons had children?

then you are ignorant. maybe they should withhold care when you're old and helpless since you hate them so much.

believe it or not, pol is not an exclusively virgin board.

of course not. it doesn't matter if OP is a raging turbo virgin. I was just explaining the motivations behind his views


Way to completely ignore the subject of the thread, faggot.

It's Yas Forums you fucking shill, goddamn

Based Leaf

this bitch isn't actually and never was a nurse but stay mad cuck


no lie detected


congrats you realized our economic system is a meme

> be canadian
> kys


the average white guy on Yas Forums is a retarded waste of space like most people on Earth

Ya well shes hot and makes far more money than you.

>see people constantly dying choking on lung fluid
>socially confined
>blow off some steam dancing a bit in a video
only a Jew would be outraged by this.

Hey faggot over half our national budget is spent on healthcare of which a significant portion goes to paying these lazy entitled cunts. So why don't you go be a fag somewhere else.

your shits all fucked up and you talk like a fag

Imagine a gutless brit who thinks praising these overpaid cows might get his roger touched.

Imagine thinking you deserve extra money and special treatment FOR DOING THE FUCKING JOB YOU AGREED TO DO.

Most people on earth are niggers and bugmen. So you're mostly right.

Only a jew would paint this as the reality.

You completely failed to show how he was wrong, faggot.
Try not immediately jumping into simp mode next time.

>maybe they should withhold care

They already do that. Nurses are worthless.

Haha you're a fag dude

>be a nurse
>having nothing to do
>make videos because you're an attention whore

Found the seething cunt

seethe more, roastie

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>100k a year

I highly doubt it.

you only see the weakest, skinniest male nurses on tik tok too, these faggots look malnourished

op you're a fucking loser. kys

Post tits cunt

It's the only logic they know

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>100k a year
fucking where?
most nurses I know make upper 50k/ lower 60k

found the incel NEET bum

A year ago Tiktok was just a app young people were using. Then the normies and boomers all start using it and the platform turns to shit.

did you see a mirror? LOL

Nurses are mostly cunts (especially the ethnic hires) . Anyone who has spent time in hospital realises this

I'm told, by a nurse, that they actually know more than doctors.

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They got paid, you didn't. They win, you lose.

>implying it's worth even arguing about this

Nurses are over paid. So are Doctors.