How is it going to end?

If the biblical rhetoric is real which it is be because the high classes of society would be not doing satanic shit and god and satan did a deal to test humanity we can clearly see which side is having the influence at the moment what do you think is the end game to all this is

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How cool would it be to die in the apocalypse?
I thing you get bragging rights in Heaven for making it to the end.

kike on a stick

you're playing into the jew's hand, rejecting Him.

Europa was better before Christianity

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he is Jewish, most likely. Rejecting Jesus is the most Jewish thing you could possibly do.

are you kidding?

Jesus is not different then this Jew in the pic

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The Apocalypse happened ten years ago and we all missed it.

Tell me, do you know the origin of the term kike? Jesus was crucified by kikes for standing up against them, just like you will be metaphorically crucified today if you criticize (((them))), Hitler talked several times about this, how in 2000 years it has not changed.

Jesus is the ancient Q-user.
Trust the plan and all that

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you've been taught lies about Christ from Christianity hating jews on Yas Forums

Hitler was a man and Jesus was a god.
As a man I respect Jesus but since he was a god I don't respect him.

I don't see the difference

Hating Christianity displays how much of a normie you are. It's ok to publicly mock Christianity, but you can't publicly mock Judaism, Islam, Hinduism or Buddism.
Why do you think that is?

The "Q" in "Q-user" is short for "Quis ut Deus?" the literal translation of the name "Michael". Q-user is St Michael the Archangel, who is predicted to rise during the "time of the end"

Idk that's the best schizo post I can do

>Europa was better before Christianity
Was also better without your abomination of a nation existing

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Jews killed him, and Jesus was only half kike on his mother's side. His father was literally God.

Heat death of the universe

if we are lucky

The powers that be think that they have humanity enslaved and incarcerated. In reality they are trapped with us Christians and they can't escape. God is in charge and they are only made to believe that they run shit.

Correction: it is not a literal translation, just a translation. It is Greek for "Who is like God?"

before Christianity, Europe was full of nigger tier barbarians.

I think it's interesting that in Greek mythology they had something like a heat death prophesied.

>As a man I respect Jesus but since he was a god I don't respect him.
explain your nigger logic, faggot

>what do you think is the end game to all this is

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the signs of the apocalypse are going to be faked hard, forced artificially. normies already bought this fake and gay plague

ah yes, yes it was. retard.

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Jesus commands to love thy neighbor.
Jews tell you to turn your neighbor in to the government if the break lock down rules.

Strange how Jews killed a Jewish rabbi for criticizing Jews. Read Mason and Hitler; Jesus was a WHITE man in the majority-Jewish Judea. He did not preach only to Jews; he only preached to the white minority.

I specifically recommend reading James Mason's book "The Theocrat" for a further delve into this topic.

I am not into prophecies
I am a realist
and I am strongly convinced that everyone against Christianity is either a faggot or a kike

Jesus had all this God power but never used it.
A lot of people stand up to the Jews they deserve more respect then Jesus.

Say an our father with me. We are going to need it.

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