Vikings vs Spartans

Who would win?

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spartans raised from birth in military state society, all training and education centered around fighting and strategy.

vikings, based but opportunists, most farmers that raid as a side effort. way of life but not as trained and disciplined as spartans.

force of 100 vs 100 I'd vote spartans, but vikings would put up a good fight

The Spartans easily

this is more of a /k/ question nigger how is this politics

Do you really want to question the power of BBC whiteboi?

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It would be a disciplined force of men who have trained nearly their entire lives and are completely in-tune with each other . . .

Versus a rabble of screamers.

It's not fair to compare figures from Greek mythology to real people.

vikings couldn't even conquer an island

While my personal preference is Vikings, the Spartans were a much harder, militarized and drilled people.

Are we talking early Vikings or Varangian Vikings, early Vikings would be btfo but varangians would put up a great fight and would likely win

Born and raised warriors vs cowardly larpers. Gee I don't know

You’d be Muslim without the Varangian guard

Who cares because they are all dead.

the spartan would most likely try to introduce the viking to "greek love"

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An iron sword will break a bronze shield. Its not complicated.

why so dismissive? their blood lives on today with the impact of their culture echoing across time. have some pride, Norwegian

Spartans were a professional army and extremely disciplined. Although the vikings had more modern equipment there is no question they would lose

No more brother wars

The superior Nord

Either way who wins, it would be bloody as fuck. Many vikings were unironically insane in their heads and died like beasts until their very last breath. Also very strong, powerful and tall

Go do your homework Billy

faggots vs faggots

God wins.

Vikings, due to centuries of military tech development. Spartan bronze spears fucking bend on the vikings' based iron chainmail

The muslims wouldn't have anatolia and the balkans if it weren't for treacherous european """"""brethren""""" always stabbing us in the back while we defended them. We should become muslims and jihad their asses on a second thought

Spartans used steel swords

Spartans without a fucking doubt

At a fucking goats contest then yes.

Vikings have steel armour and weapons so yeah they would most likely win.

Vi kangs

Its in the name nigguh

Spartans were matriarchal cucks, they lose even if they win.

>all bronze is created equally.

Bronze can be almost as strong as a good steel, with certain bronzes today able to be used in centerfire weapons.

I'm not talking Ar receivers, which can be made of wood, and all the pressure is on the bolt and barrel extension.

Would you trust an iron age welded pattern steel to take this?

Ulfberht and other wootz swords don't count, don't at at me with that.

I don't know why anyone would pick Spartans over the Vikings. Vikings were an unstoppable fighting force that conquered the strongest cities during their era , meanwhile the spartans lost a fight and then backstabbed their fellow greeks.

Go back to /k/ nigger

Vikings couldn't beat anything with walls

Spartans were unironically based.
Vikings were just niggers who raided and raped.

You're being intentionally misleading. You will never find the chamber body or bolt face itself in a modern quality firearm to be made of bronze. Of course you can use lesser metals on components that face less pressure. It's like somebody saying they've got a golden gun because they have a gold redneck nameplate on the stock.

>matriarchal cucks
I'm pretty sure the aspect of their culture you're referring to is blown way out of proportion.

Kikes. So stop pushing divide and Conquer between humans and get ready for your purge you filthy heeb

Sometimes I wish that balkan should have allied with the ottos and conquer the rest of the ungrateful shits from europe.

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If the women are getting the dead man's estate, and are able to subsequently marry another dead man it's only logical that they would end up with disproportionate political power as their financial power outweighs any spartan "man".