Why don’t you have a motorcycle? It’s the perfect vehicle for the pandemic.
>empty roads
>go anywhere (if you get a supermoto)
>fun as fuck way to go out and get fresh air
>throw on a backpack and you have plausible deniability of getting (((essential items)))
>2 fast 4 cops to catch if they decide to pull you over
>most departments have a standing order to not chase bikes
Why don’t you have a motorcycle? It’s the perfect vehicle for the pandemic
Other urls found in this thread:
>why don’t you have a motorcycle
Because I’m not a faggot
I do
It's fun and all but I only like riding at night when the highways are empty.
I wish I didn't have a balance issue and was able to hold on a motorcycle correctly without falling over all the time. I used to have a 125cc, couldn't ride it for shit, even in the city, I sold it and completely gave up the idea of ever getting my license.
It's a shame because I love it, but sometimes there are things you just aren't cut out for.
Programmed to kill:
-The greenbaum speech:
-The finders cult:
-Dutroux (Wikileaks):
> Cant carry much supplies/groceries/whatever
> If you crash with enough speed you are most likely dead.
i used to ride and gave some serious thought to buying one for the same reasons you describe, empty roads and terrific weather.
thing is, you're doing a dangerous activity prone to severe trauma when the hospital emergency rooms are close to peak capacity.
you think a doctor is going to want to put any effort into treating some retard who wanted to red line 5th gear or someone suffering from a virus they caught through no fault of their own?
I have a Jeep. It's all of that, with cargo space, power, and a roof when I want it. Well other than the cop comment. Don't be a nigger.
What bike should I get?
>no ashtray
I have two.
I have a road bike and 3 dirt bikes, been using the isolation time to work on the dirt bikes.
>Why don’t you have a motorcycle?
Trumpbux are not enough
BMW S1000 RR is a perfect starter bike m8.
>Why don’t you have a motorcycle? It’s the perfect vehicle for the pandemic.
Having a triple digit IQ.
Have two why don't you?
Having a 100 IQ means you are average, not special. When you lead with I am smart usually means you aren't BTW
How loud are they? I was thinking of getting this electric one because I like the silence of riding at night on my bicycle, and most bike engines defeat the purpose of that.
Too many idiot drivers out there. You can easily turn into a pancake if grandma Chang didn’t see you in her blind spot.
I've had so many bikes stolen from right under my fucking nose it's not funny. Biking is a based hobby tho
Next bike will be larger than a 125
Do you even have a motorcycle faggot?
Also, motorcycles are unnecessary risk.
I hate getting rain on me and four wheel vehicle is safer.
how's that seat? I almost bought one but it looks like it would be hell after a couple hours.
>carries next to no cargo
>ANY kind of crash can quickly mean game fucking over for you
No because I have fucked up inner ear (so I can't balance), shit reflexes and concentration problems from a little (((something))). I'm also broke by the way.
ive owned lots of bikes. made some really good friends wrenching and had some good adventures. Bikes aren't for you if you have to be prompted to consider getting one. Those are the people that end up splattered all over the road.
Funny enough it was the gore posted here that stopped me. Now I own a massive fuck off Jeep that wont kill me.
I deleted my post because I'm a retard and misspelled Husqvarna but I love riding it. On the street where you sit on your ass for long periods of time it can get uncomfortable and it has a pretty small gas tank but there's always tradeoffs for trying to do everything.
>hurrr why not just by a bicycle
Trucks and SUVs have utility the same way motorcycles do. Oh, wait, youre too poor to buy a bike and a truck arent you? Tell me where you live so I can steal your shit and throw it in the back of my bed
Probably better off putting the family in the Subaru than trying to take them on the bike if shit goes bad.
Stupid leaf you want a really loud bike because then other people on the road can hear you and avoid you having a loud bike can mean life and death if you decide to split lanes like an idiot and if you do that on a silent bike then you are going to have someone squish you.
wear your gear retard
if you don't live in a third world country and need to hide your flag you will be fine.
anyway, got any more to post?
The SV650x looks awesome, was considering getting one but I needed something a bit more sporty for track days.