Breaking!! Trump believes virus came from a Wuhan lab

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Can't wait for this trade war escalating to a nuclear one.

Yay, a war with China

Attached: guns.gif (300x163, 820.88K)
@5:54 theres a HAIL WHITLER W A SWA lmfao a lady

that would unironically be a good war because it would benefit american citizens

Occam's razor.

Hail Whitler sign

If true then it’s war

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Of course it was made in there weapons lab once you get this it keeps coming back till you die thats why the world shut down
Nuke China

You have no idea how easy it is to detect of a virus or germ has been altered genetically.
If they find this out, China is actually fucked.

And the world.
Nobody wants to be China's bitch.
As I've said in the past too, India and Russia would team up against China as well.

It would benefit everyone. I don't wanna buy shit made in china anymore.

Good, the whole world should gang up and butt fuck China

Not what he said. Been listening to the same news services he has.

Here's the story according to Fox.

>Intern at wuhan lab got infected
>Intern spreads it to bf
>bf goes to wet market and outbreak starts

U just cant help yourself can you rainbow

Ken is real! Double # for confirm?

All war is good war its what humans are meant to do.

>going to war over an accident

They found it out two months ago. Does Yas Forums not remember those Indian scientists proving it was bioengineered, and the scientific world turned against them and forced a redaction? If Trump reveals it was made in a lab that's only further proof this thing was orchestrated from the start, and those Indians were silenced because they were blowing the big reveal too early.

The whole world should unite and take out this fucking yellow parasite. Their next virus will kill everyone.

Trump did not deny that the virus might have came from a lab in Wuhan. And he said that the sources of the story are actual sources.

haha like that is in question

GOD please, I've never asked for much, but if we could get WW3 in my time it would bring me greater joy than any human has known to date. amen.

even so, who said it wasn't the zogs funding the lab? they sell baby and children organs all the time

I remember. There were threads about how it couldn't possibly be natural months ago.

>be Chyna
>want to invade niggertopia for resources
>make racist virus
>be NWO
>poopoopeepee over botched election rigging
>can't inbleach blormpf
>send CIAnigger to release incomplete virus
>gaping anus prevents you from properly doing opsec
>post yfw blippity blamphth nukes china and reduces pollution

Attached: z9hs1dqfjls21.png (631x815, 979.34K) you're saying, we're going to war?

Attached: go on....gif (220x176, 7.22K)

>Stop voting for globalists
Holy fucking based!

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>twitter screenshot thread
>no source for tweet
>tweet claims source is an unknown fox news source
>Fox News recently cited a Wuhan study that China tried to suppress that states it came from a lab
So, what? Trump believes China?

This. Humanity has been too comfortable, and it's showing. Warring is a natural state for humanity, and it's best to express natural desire every once and a while. It's starting to seem that we're falling into a pattern, and that full out war isn't even a possibility. That idea needs to be shaken off. A country like ours needs an enemy so it does not become each other.

Also I would be able to have a harem of qt Chinese ladyboys after we win the war