People with blue eyes and blonde hair looks like fucking girls

People with blue eyes and blonde hair looks like fucking girls.

People with brown eyes and black hair (White skin ofc) are the real Aryans

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My eyes are exactly that color but I have brown hair. (White of course)

Not Aryan, brown hair isnt good, it has to be jet black, like pic related

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Are people with brown eyes even white? I have my doubts...


fuck off bongloid. im greek with blue eyes and im whiter than you

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black hair blue eyes is the most aesthetic, Idris

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I wish I had blue eyes.

show flag nigger kike

If you have anything other than brown you are not white.

what about people with brown hair and blue eyes?

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Why would you want to unironically have nigger eyes?
We are superior to the blue eyed cucks

You must be kidding with that spic in pic, black Irish at best

bongs have always been the enemies of europe

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You are not white if you have anything other than brown eyes.


the only one who is a nigger is you bong

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Niggers have black eyes though.

Also my heritage is Dutch beglgian so I don't know if that even means aryan.

Not having blue eyes would suck, I'd probably kill myself.

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Tell that Augustus

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Master race reporting in.

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That's a Cenk. Stop larping as a bong kardeş kebab. amina koyim, yarrak.

show flag
No actually its a pigment of brown over the top, true Aryans have fully brown eyes.
If you have blue/green eyes you are not white, simple

Seethe harder paki, your Saxon superiors have arrived. If you're western or northern european and don't have light eyes and hair then I have bad news

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wow what a fascinating spin

fuck off m*or

Op is right brown hair and brown eyes is for the truest alpha male, think about it, it's a dominant gene for a reason, meaning only the realest survivalist had it, while the blue eyes and blonde hair clan died out due to being less self sufficient aryan race is just a cope due to it being a rare commodity thats all.

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>Has tints of brown but is mainly blue


Go back to R9K

Already said I have eyes exactly like your pic in op. But I'm Dutch Belgian and I don't know if that means aryan

Really cool.


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>"Hello I like to get cucked by niggers and my wife likes men with brown eyes"


Cope the post

Both are fine

Based. Brown eyes like op pic and brown hair reporting in.

Yes you are Aryan then.

Seethe more kraut faggot

Lmao look at this nigger staring at the camera like its gonna chance your shit genetics

If the brown eyed aryans ever got into a war with you faggots we'd beat you, you pussys are easily outnumbered and you're a dying breed of cucks that look like girls


Based Kiwi speaking the truth.

its true, i have black hair, brown eyes and dark skin (White ofc)

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Brown eyes are subhuman, only blue, green eyes and maybe amber eyes are white

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>B-brown eyes are s-subhuman I have blue eyes and that means im better because theyre rare

lmao look at this faggot, you are a dying breed Blue eyed niggers

You have blood spots in your eyes bro

green eyes masterrace here.

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We rule over subhumans, our eye colour alone gives us access to all the ethnic pussy on earth, ethnic and brown eyed woman worship light eyes and want light eyes children