Have they finally won
Is this true pol
Other urls found in this thread:
>No source, no link
>Meme Flaggot
>3 word OP
Fuck off cunt
Niggerlovers need to die. OP is a niggerlover, like his mommy.
show the study
Low rent porn stars
Fuck off Rabbi
seems legit
Females are brainlets, they got brainwashed by rap and porn.
Post study, otherwise no.
I didn't believe this stuff but a few months ago my college friend told me she used tinder to have a threesome with two black guys. I know she liked me and I turned her down so maybe it was weird mind games or maybe it was true?
that id tho
Built for Jewish cock
>not 100%
We can do better.
imagine the smell
The whole "race-mixing" isn't about getting white women in bed with black men. It is to sell an illusion to black men, so they will embrace capitalism as their master.
Every black man's fantasy is to land a white woman, and they only way he is going to do it is to be in the top 1%.
We use blacks for our entertainment (porn, sports, music, dance, etc)
>man..........i don't wanna sound racist
My fellow Dacio-Roman, I...
>hands compulsively rub
doubt it but if its true then civilization has ended
why would she want you when she can get double dicked all the time?
I'd say it's false and propaganda, probably picked the results they wanted. Libtards have a low iq and can't do these study's and the Jews wanna subvert society through the illusion of something good and social applicable and desirable.
fuck that's disgusting i hope she die in agony
From the article
>The study reveals that a whopping 87% of white women dream of having sex with a Black man and in some cases many already have. Interestingly enough, the same study says only 13% of white women said they would would marry and raise a family with a Black man. Of the 800 involved in the study, 8 percent said they have actually dreamed of having a threesome with Black men.
So yeah most white women are whores nothing new
Googled it and a myriad of online shit rags have referenced this study with NONE of them posting an actual link. Its clickbait bullshit OP kys.
This just in. A new study finds that OP sticks 100% of the cocks up his butt.
Not surprised
While you kikes are busy replying to obvious bait topics, real topics get burred. Ignore this shit.
Women generally don't like race mixing
The study was conducted by the Sexual Sociological Endowment in the Cultural Histology department, at Rutgers University.
>what is Google, and why does my fake shit not exist there
At least put some effort into it. There are actually preprint outlets you could probably sneak stuff into.
This thread was brought to you by Israel.
In another poll, no white men want to have sex with black women.
The study is conducted in Israel
like most other studies
also the writer of it is a jew
So go to Israel tiger
all them kike bitches are your
impregnate them
extra points if you are black
he is that Mozambique guy
(based on a survey of 27 women, all of whom live in some liberal shithole)
>no source
>white demoralisation
Fucking filthy Jew detected
Same thing that 99% men would have threesome with gf and shes pretty little sister.
Mistä of woman want to have different kind of sexuality experiences. Doenst mean they would have family with Black guys
it was 800 white women questioned by (((rutgers))) so they were going to be race traitors anyways, since rutgers is a propaganda farm
Ahh yes this kike-funded research is certainly unbiased.
White women are the most racially loyal of all women. Get over it and stop trying.
1 post by this id
> less than 10% of white women date outside their race
what would Pol be without pix of a black Men kissing white women. kek
jews aren't white user
IOW 87% of white women are afraid of doing a racism. 13% are openly racist
Ive had 9 girlfriends in my life until now and 6 of them absolutely hated black people male or female.even this black girl (pic related). with the other 3 i didnt talk about race.
so yeah i think u talking shit rabbi
The niggers are taking over.
(((White Women)))
>white woman
>christian woman
I'm a white man and I want to be impregnated by a black bvll.
And 0% of asian women do..
Take the gook pill Yas Forums
this isn't true at all in my experience. a girl cheated on her black bf just to make me cum. I am Mexican. girls want big Mexican cock.