What u gonna do when HAPPENING?

Past 24 hours:
-Russia test fired an anti-satellite missile
-Russian jet intercept U.S. spy plane in Mediterranean
-Iranian gun boats harass U.S. warships in Persian Gulf
-North Korea fires cruise missiles into sea
-China may have conducted nuclear test

link: twitter.com/LucasFoxNews/status/1250531724490137601

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like puppies nipping at the tail of the big dog

rocket bump


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If I'll get drafted I'll do my best to kill as much chinks/mutts as possible

Don't you already get drafted, even if there's no war?

Yes but it's more like useless one-year military training. I mean if I get drafted again


Ivan, you're assigned to a submarine. It is built from faulty soviet craftsmanship. You will die in the dark, freezing cold, from asphyxiation at the bottom of the ocean.

See my repeaters? I just shifted a bunch of timelines to make this your reality. Remember your comment about killing mutts as your new reality sets in.

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I'm assigned to a submarine. I don't care if I die because at least I will nuke some subhumans' military

They are testing American crisis management.

California banned churches from singing and using wind instruments in online services, only 4 ppl allowed. They can't do that. Its an online video. They just banned worshipping God, by banning singing from churches ONLINE

Retard im a ship builder i can assure you the russians no longer suck at shipbuilding. Dont sleep on the bear they arent our true enemy. The jew is the enemy of all mankind. Im sick of America being used to fight Christian nations. Its time we started purging the world of commies and kikes.

Nigger that shit happens all the time

Spoken like future crab meat. Dummies like you are exactly the type of manipulatable loser they get imperialistic boners for

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They are a paper tiger faggot.

(((Who))) do you guess runs California?

I just want to die but suicide sucks so I want to take with me as many subhumans as possible

Russia is the world's 3-year-old running around breaking shit and screaming for attention.

Fuck we need to invade California kill ever jew spic and degenerate faggot in the state before this goes any further. Just checked your claim and its true. Ready the death squads anons.

Start in israel ivan. Youll be doing the world a favor.

Hopefully they'll all make hay while the sun is shining.

>a bunch of third worlders are chimping out

whats new nigger?

Hahahaha, looks like Russia already BTFO the "Space Force."

Expensive drones.

Robots fighting robots. That's what should be on the moon.

Sauce for the China nuke test?

Still no link?


>paper tiger

A paper tiger doesn't have 6,500 nuclear warheads.

>the big dog

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Upcoming war fronts-

hong kong
south china sea islands
north korea
us east coast
us south

Half the US carrier fleets are sick with the virus aswell lmao.

Chinese are about to declare their Lebensraum over Asia.

A paper tiger would lie about how many warheads they have though.

You forgot us, faggot. No world war without German involvement.

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>implying the US doesn't do the same
You're a paper tiger as well, LMAO, many of your troops are scattered across the world and only ready to engage irregulars, rebells and such, not professional armies.

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Mossad is still creating it
