Why does Yas Forums hate Jews so much? Are you people really so deluded that you think a single race of people is responsible for all your problems? Do you really believe that a person's genetic code automatically makes them worse? Also, why Jews? Why not crackers, spics, chunks, or niggers? Antisemitism is not based in fact, but instead is based on the oppressor's inherent feelings of inferiority and insecurity. There's literally no rational argument you could possibly conceive that paints Jews in a bad light, since such an argument doesn't exist. Those that do are full of logical fallacies, lies, and subjective views that aren't based in reality. The people who claim to be "redpilled" or "woke" are just as complacent and conditioned to spew buzzwords and unoriginal, hivemind thoughts as the demographic they alienate. It's honestly kind of entertaining though. If I ever start to question my intelligence, I just come to Yas Forums to remind myself how many people out there are exponentially more retarded than I am.
Why does Yas Forums hate Jews so much...
Yas Forums is right about a lot of things but theyre really retarded with their jewish conspiracy theories
No u npc
Are you people really so deluded that you think a single race of people is responsible for all your problems?
isnt that ... you know called the history of humanity? tribal interests if you will. I don’t understand why that is far fetched to belive considering their history?
Is this bait or real OP? Pol is partly bait and partly real.
shut up
Literal kikes
>>There's literally no rational argument you could possibly conceive that paints Jews in a bad light, since such an argument doesn't exist. Those that do are full of logical fallacies, lies, and subjective views that aren't based in reality.
So instead of providing evidence you resort to ad hominen. Nice try schlomo
They just fear their iq
Both you and OP are fucking low I.Q faggots.
Its bait. You don’t have to be a white nationalist to hate kikes. The whole world does
kill yourself retard
No evidence.
>stacy won't fuck me
>the jews did this
basically this
like hating niggers, hating kikes used to be common sense.
Thanks for chiming in brown shit
I'm slowly starting to see the jews are just one part. It just makes life so much easier when you have one consistent thing to blame. But unfortunately the problems are multi-faceted. So multi-faceted indeed that I'm beginning to believe you can only truly focus on developing yourself and being in control of your own life by working hard and studying.
>amerimutt detected
Not quite right
Always a fucking leaf why are you such faggots
jews have been kicked out of 109 countries and the moon. Jews are evil and have been so for 1000s of years. Jews invented the a bomb and killed jesus and little else. No inventions, an ugly language and ugly people. You're liars and perverts. Jews start wars for profit. If every jew suddenly died, the whole world would cheer.
When a fucking leaf fixes a mistake the jew yells out in pain.
>Why does Yas Forums hate Jews so much?
I don't.
it's kind of become a meme.. but seriously jews do need to stop subverting other countries.. sooner or later your gonna run out of world to run away from those you pissed off.
Every Christian and human being at least distrusted Jews until the 20th century and their mass media, but surely billions of people throughout every age were wrong and Jew owned mass media is right.
This. Yas Forums is basically low IQ incels blaming their sexual ineptitude and terrible social skills on an entire race of people who don't affect them in any way possible. It's assuming to witness their mental gymnastics, bit it's also sad that these people are unironically that deluded.
>a single race
Its an obnoxious culture that masquerades as a religion.
Jews are literally just a top shelf European LARP. Which is why Europeans/white people are retarded, they are making enemies of themselves.
jews are the one of the few things Yas Forums is right about, solomon.
Targeted individual program.
> inb4 take your meds
> inb4 dey dindu nuffins
The only redpill in this thread
The issue is not "I hate Jews".
The issue is not "I have problems and blame Jews".
You're not responding to the issues raised.
One of two things is true:
1) Jews are leading the anti-white movement.
2) Jews are following the anti-white movement from a position of influence, which has the effect of promoting the movement.
The anti-white movement serves to keep whites from pushing back against mass migration. Whites are brow-beaten and told we don't have any right to push back.
>It's unspeakably terrifying for everyone else if whites stand up for their own interest. Justice is served when whites have the biggest problems.
Jews promote open borders for majority-white countries, and migration from "developing" countries at a rate that whites will soon be outnumbered. Jews influence whites to say "we don't deserve to push back".
There's a giant difference between our quality of life in a majority-white country, vs. a place where we are outnumbered. From our perspective, it's way better to live with a white majority.
>inb4 take your meds
Wow, the schizos are reminding themselves now. That's a step forward, at least.
Jews are white faggot
>Why does Yas Forums hate Jews so much?
Honey, please wake up our son.
What's so great about whites? Their average IQs, average dick sizes, lame culture, mediocrity in every field of study, or their overbearing sense of racial insecurity? Most white people I know are either addicted to meth or sell their food stamps and rancid pussy to pay for more Busch. Stop projecting faggot.