Police in Europe are arresting people just for being outside because of the fake virus ruse

Why aren't they trying that fucking shit in America and when will they start trying?

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1. Because we have guns.
2. When we no longer have guns.

Most Americans are too retarded to understand the gravity of the issue.

thank fuck we're not eurpean

>oi m8, you might get sick being out here, better have 4 of us bobbies make physical contact with you to prevent you from catching a disease spread by, among other things, physical contact

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>clear chav
>gets a kicking off rozzers
I see no problem here

>woman standing in the back doing nothing

Yeah they should get guns honestly.

Good. Rules and authority exist for a reason.

Can't wait till the yanks all die, because they don't understand that this virus isn't attacking their precious fat feelings of freedom

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Shits getting ridiculous. Cops literally chasing people on the streets. Measuring exact distance with a folding rule and shit. An aquiantance was just walking with his girlfriend and got a 200€ ticket. If then dont live together they cant see each other anymore they said kek. Seems like a lot of cops are really getting off on terrorizing their own people. Maybe the german spirit. I dont know.

That's a Northerner thing. You say that to a Southerner and they would bash your head in.

Is PIC related because this appears to be a drug bust with the dog and the big sign that says Possession of Cannabis is Illegal?

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That big nose cunt sure is smirking like fuck all though.

Here we just cannot go outside in groups of more than 3 if we get caught we pay 100 euro, it's not too bad really since I'm getting free money

Only people who want to boss around others become coppers here. They're not working for the betterment of society but only for being dicks to people.

all yanks to us, if I wanted to talk to an inbred I'd go to yeovile away

I knew this whole thing was absolutely fake day 1. Thank GOD people are catching on.

Britain Is not Europe

you're not even human, ape

Guns are our go outside license.

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better a ape than a christcuck

That's not social distancing. In fact, that's niggers tonguing my anus.

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In good company, user. Unfortunately those "out in the world" are taking this shit more serious than ever. Had to go to the docs office today, some old bitch was barking orders like she had the most important goddamn job in the world, should've coofed on the old fat hatchet gash.

>Yankee, yank
Them's fightin' words.

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Finally you peasants get the message

That's from 2015 you fucking retard

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You apes don't have souls, what the fuck would you know about Christ, field beast?

being a the bestest goy dosent mean you have a soul

>Why aren't they trying that fucking shit in America

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>I knew this whole thing was absolutely fake day 1.

My cousin died from Coronavirus in Sandy Hook.


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