Just imagine having eyes that are not green or blue. So soulless, the eye color of niggers and chinks
Kys if you have brown eyes
t. shit color eyes
>Gunmetal blue
eye color dosnt matter if you are ugly
Why would I kill myself over such trivial bullshit like the color of my eyes? Sure brown eyes are ugly as fuck but I have way, way, way more things to worry about.
I'm a med looking German and I don't give any fucks.
Of course light eye colors are more attractive, but they're not an indicator of anything relevant.
It's more important to not look like a freak.
Bleaching your hair or having a mismatch of blue eyes and brown hair?
Nothx. I'd rather be a nigger.
>t. memeflag kike
First post best post.
Op is a fag.
>t.sea green
Same because my eyes weren't edited in Photoshop unfortunately
Tel aviv must be nice this time of year, right rabbi?
Brown eyed masterrace here
You think I'd rather look like some blue eyed anime looking bitch
>honey master race
drink deeply from my penis
Time stamp your chin and post it, faggot
Sapphire here. Wife and kids all have cornflower.
Good looking little fucks they are too
>You think I'd rather look like some blue eyed anime looking bitch
MFW :(
Strangely they don't sell many brown contact lenses.....
kys if you're not a jew.
seeKYS blue eye'd nigger, you are a dying breed and your people are sissys that like to get cucked and your women are ours, our genes are better and thats why you are dying out lmao
my eyes change between light and dark blue how bout u niggers?
>jews make you're not white threads
we could give zero fucks about the white "race"
I love brown eyes and all eyes are beautiful, even more when they’re filled with love and smiling
You cant fake the brown eyed death stare so what would be the point
Albinism is a disease
I've never seen a blue eyer faggot that has intimidated me. If I was a manlet brown eyer they might of but thankfully my chad height prevented this.
>no hazel in the list
God tier hazel eyes reporting in
no, you kys
what the actual fuck are you going on about you short assed little faggot
>having a mismatch of blue eyes and brown hair
lol, wut?
>Just imagine
kike shill/redditor detected
theres about 4 different variations of hazel on the chart my man
blue eye fetishism comes from people that don't have them in the family
Green. 3 grandparents, father and sister have blue. Mother and her father had/have brown.
People unironically care about eye colour instead of the million other features that determine attractiveness lmaoo
true they're probably coping chinlets, jawlets and cheekbonelets
what about black eyes.
Not brown, actually black (aka: really really really dark grey).
I've never seen a nigger with black eyes, only some nordics and meds.
What color is this?