8 years of perfection


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More like 8 years of nigger riots


thank you Obama

>fast and furious

8 years of sewing the seeds of white hate lol

He was quippy, though, and seemed like a dude to have a beer with.

Remember when he said Trayvon could be his son and when he cried during Sandy Hook? What a negroid.

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Didn't that filthy nigger use drone strikes to to Kill reporters and weddings

Pepridge farms remembers his crocodile tears.

Looking back, did Obama really love America?

Welfare state
Mass spic migration
Elected because "he has feces skin color = oppressed saint"
BILLION wasted in jewish desert wars
Killed Qaddafi to turn Libya into a nigger traffic route to Europe

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Thanks Obama. The Iranian nuclear deal and the affordable care act was A great idea. Also thanks for down sizing our military and dropping our borders. Thanks A lot!

When you have the full force and weight of the global deep state, the witches cabal, the media elite and the minions of darkness on your side, it's kinda hard to ever look bad, don't you think?

And yet he still managed it.

This piece of shit spied on us.


I'd spy on you if you know what I mean.

Obama seems like a pizzagate pedophile

Pinche Obama

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ah yes, the man who authorized the largest domestic surveillance operation ever, thought it was ok for people to be tortured in guantanamo, and deported more mexicans than trump.

All thanks to Bush and the Patriot Act.

Complete failure. Biggest disappointment in history. Fortunately he was only half black.

Thank him for what? Barry Soetoro marrying CIA trained Michael Robinson and renting out the kids of Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt because two men can't make babies?
Fuck that fucking black faggot. The truth is right around the corner for his ass, and his only safety net just flipped on him a couple of months ago with a weekend whitehouse meeting.

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>I'm not racist. I elected a black president

no way you forgot about him when the buffoon in chief mention his name on a daily basis.

BaRick Obama

How's the drinking water in Flint? Couldn't even handle that. He'd be a disaster today.

The first 1/2 breed nigger president. What a fucking loser.

Oooooh “race”
Nice argument loser

Half nigger, half jew, all fail

He put us on the road to road to race riots and internet censorship. If we go into race war it will be his fault

Obama knew about all of it, and chose to hide it from the American people. No matter how you put it, hes scum, and so is Bush.


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Yes. My point was that both are to blame not just Obama.